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Bank card frozen? how can that be?

Qin Junhong frowned and said, "Did you make a mistake?"

The little brother at the front desk said: "Mr. can't be wrong, if you don't believe me, you can check it yourself now."


There were a lot of people entering and leaving the bar and passed the front desk. Qin Junhong was a frequent visitor to this bar. Soon someone recognized him. Hearing that his bank card was frozen, someone gloated: "Yo, Master Qin, the bank card is frozen What? What did you do?"

The man deliberately spoke loudly, and many people in the bar looked towards him.

Qin Junhong's face sinks like water.

His bank card was a supplementary card that Zhu Shou Shan handled for his mother, and he often used it. As long as the amount was not large, Zhu Shou Shan would never ask about it.

But he hasn't had any problems after using it for so long, how could it suddenly be frozen?

He couldn't stand the sneering gazes around him, so he took out another card, let the front desk swipe it, turned his head to look at the person who was mocking him, and left the bar without looking back.

After he came out, he couldn't care to find the man named Jiang Wan, so he called Qin Manwen eagerly.

"Mom, what happened to your bank card being frozen?"

Qin Manwen's voice was rarely flustered on the phone, "Your uncle bought the house in Xiaoyang District, and your uncle Zhu knew about it."

Qin Junhong: "..."

He was instantly nervous.

He knew that the house was bought by his mother by installment in the name of his uncle, and the loan was repaid every month, and the card of Zhushoushan was also used.

The house had been bought a few years ago, and they had been hiding it very well. How did Zhu Shoushan know about it?

Could it be that Zhu Shoushan's suspicion of their mothers has reached this point? Already investigating them thoroughly?

No, it shouldn't.

If Zhushoushan investigated thoroughly, it would not be as simple as freezing a bank card.

But if he didn't investigate it himself, who told him?

Who would know what they secretly bought a house about?

In the Gongshui County Hotel, Zhu Xin came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and received the news that things were done.

She calmly exited the chat interface, and just received another message from her brother.

[Wish]: Good night.

Zhu Xin raised the corners of her lips and said good night.

Early the next morning, Uncle Liu drove their siblings to City E.

The aunt has already prepared the meal and waited for them.

Because it was a holiday, my cousin was there.

"I thought it would be difficult to get one, but now I have a pair. Xiaoxin is still the same as when she was a child, and she can't live without your brother."

Aunt Cheng's family was surprised and delighted when she saw that Zhu Xin was also here, and even rushed to cook a few more dishes.

Zhu Xin smiled sweetly: "Of course, my brother and I are twins."

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