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Zhu Tong was also frightened by his sudden action, and subconsciously wanted to step back.

"Don't move." Shao Ming said suddenly.

The sound is very light.

But no doubt.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He couldn't move either, and there was a wall behind him.

Shao Ming had already held his ankle and moved it slightly.

Zhu Tong suddenly shrank his legs.

Shao Ming paused, then raised his head and said, "Does it hurt?"


Mu Ruolangxing was probably talking about someone like Shao Ming.

Meeting his eyes, Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment before nodding honestly, "It hurts."

Shao Ming immediately got up and said, "Let's go, go to the hospital."

He was about to leave while supporting the same table, completely ignoring the others in the box.

Rosso was watching Shao Ming crouch down to show Zhu Tong's feet.

While stunned, he actually thought the picture was beautiful!

Also a little weird.

Seeing someone get up, Rosso quickly returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "Brother Ming, what are they going to do?"

Shao Ming just remembered something. He turned his head to look at Yuan Shaozhou, who was being helped up by a group of younger brothers and was arranging his hair in a frenzy. He raised his lips and smiled and said, "Oh, is Young Master Yuan still fighting?"

Yuan Shaozhou: "..."

"If you don't fight, go to the boss and settle the compensation. It's not easy for a small business."

And the police are coming.

The restaurant owner was already shivering outside the box.

Hearing Shao Ming's righteous speech, he was neither moved nor dared to move.

Yuan Shaozhou stared at Shao Ming with his broken back, gritted his teeth and said, "You will regret it!"

Shao Ming smiled needlessly.

Zhu Tong looked back when Shao Ming helped him out of the restaurant.

Rosso said the store is new.

The new store has just opened, and it suffered a disaster for no reason.

It's really not easy.

Zhu Tong intends to ask Uncle Liu to compensate him later.

In this regard, the store owner who received three compensation payments inexplicably afterwards said: Are you still fighting? Do you want to provide a venue?

Of course, I wish the young master would not know about this.

Hospitals, orthopedic clinics.

A young female doctor with glasses and a "freshly baked" X-ray in her hand looks thoughtfully at the two people sitting across from him.

"How many days ago?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Less than a month after the start of school, the young master has entered the hospital for the second time.

It was the same doctor who saw it.

The world is amazing.

He nodded reluctantly.

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