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Qin Junhong was dragged out of the box by two bodyguards. Someone from the art class who was partying next door happened to bump into him and recognized Qin Junhong. He was so frightened that his metabolism went back, and he quickly got back to the box.

"Fuck, guess who I saw? I wish Xin his big brother! He was knocked out and dragged away!"

"Being knocked out? No way?"

Another person rushed out curiously, but the bodyguard was so efficient that the person no longer knew that he was not in the corridor. The person turned to look next door and saw a familiar profile face.

The box door closed again.

"What big brother? That's Zhu Xin's own brother. How did Zhu Tong come to such a place? Is he in good health?"

"Zhu Tong? Where is it?"

The door to the box was opened for the third time, and Zhu Tong was gone in the corridor. There was only someone standing against the wall outside the box next door, playing with a mobile phone. A girl peered out of the box, and a girl's heart suddenly fell.

"Fuck, sisters, there's a handsome guy outside! He's wearing a suit, he's so handsome! Oh my god, I'm going to hook up!"

"Handsome guy? Isn't it Zhutong? Who the **** is out there? How do you all look the same?"

After an oolong for a long time, someone finally reacted and scanned the box, "Where's Zhu Xin?"

"Yeah, where's Zhu Xin? Sisi, give her a call..."

They subconsciously went to the person in the box who had the best relationship with Zhu Xin, and found that Qi Sisi was sitting alone in the corner in a daze, his face as white as paper.

In the box next door, Shao Ming didn't follow up. The two brothers and sisters sat on the sofa, speechless for a long time.

Zhu Xin didn't act like a spoiled child on Zhu Tong as usual, nor was she calm and indifferent to Qin Junhong just now. She was like a child who did something wrong and was waiting to be taught a lesson, and she nervously lowered her head and rubbed her fingernails.

Zhu Tong moved his lower lip and asked, "When did you know?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhu Xin knew that he must have heard everything.

The bodyguards in the box must have discovered it long ago, but no one reminded her.

Thinking of what she just said, Zhu Xin wanted to go out and jump from the corridor immediately... What a shame!

She raised her head and said, "Brother, I..."

Zhu Tong said: "Why didn't you tell me now?"

After he finished speaking, he froze for a while.

What can I tell him?

Xiao Xin obviously knew it a long time ago, earlier than he did.

Before others were in the hospital, he couldn't even take care of himself. Knowing what he could do?

He sent Xiao Xin to his grandfather's house under a systematic guarantee. This is something he has always felt guilty about... He didn't trust his grandfather before.

He also lacked self-confidence, he was afraid that he would be bored one day.

He was afraid that his grandfather would be like his father, and his love for them was only temporary.

He has too many concerns, maybe Xiao Xin is just like him.

But after he knew that there was a system to share, Xiaoxin could only bear it by himself.

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