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The students in the school, apart from studying every day, pay the most attention to entertainment and gossip, campus anecdotes and people who are in the limelight in their spare time.

Because of Yuan Shaozhou's incident, almost no one in the second year of high school didn't know about Zhu Tong, and no one didn't know that this person was not easy to mess with.

But their understanding is very one-sided. In order to be afraid of people gossip, few people dare to make friends with Zhutong directly, but they don't dare to understand it doesn't mean they don't want to understand.

It turns out that Zhu Tong has a brother?

Or a brother who is not related to him by blood?

What happened when Zhou Sui suddenly mentioned "robbing property"?

A giant drama was about to be staged, and almost everyone who heard Zhou Sui's words stopped on the playground.

Zhu Tong's face sank and looked at him.

The lighting on the playground is not very good, but I can see Zhu Tong's ugly face.

The corners of Zhou Sui's lips rose, unavoidably a little proud.

He said that on purpose.

Except for the medicine at the beginning, everything he sent out after that was in vain, and Zhu Tong made it clear that he didn't want to see him.

It was obvious that Qin Junhong had already sent him a WeChat message.

If it wasn't for him not believing that he was Qin Junhong's friend, then there was only one explanation - Zhu Tong, like Qin Junhong, was a person who only did superficial skills but was actually different.

Zhu Tong didn't trust Qin Junhong at all.

Thanks to Qin Junhong's self-proclaimed cleverness, he thought that everyone in the Zhu family had been deceived by him.

But it doesn't matter if Zhu Tong doesn't trust Qin Junhong, he has a way to make Zhu Tong unable to refuse him.

Zhou Sui said: "Your brother really cares about you, I'm afraid that you won't be able to adapt to the school here. I have asked me to take care of you a few times. You have been sick and hospitalized for all these years, and he is helping your father and taking care of you. If you don't accept his love, you don't have to be so indifferent to his friends."

His tone was relaxed, causing an uproar in the crowd.

"What do you mean? The things Zhou Sui gave to Zhu Tong weren't to pursue him, but were explained by his brother Zhu Tong?"

"I heard that Zhu Tong threw all those things, don't you want it?"

"Listening to Zhou Sui, Zhu Tong's brother is very kind to him, but Zhu Tong's attitude seems a bit strange."

"A brother who is not related by blood... is he a step-brother? A step-son also seems to have the right to inherit. Zhutong doesn't like his brother, will he..."

Zhou Sui's few words are very informative.

Brothers who have no blood relationship, Zhu Tong's father must be married for the second time. Listening to Zhou Sui's meaning, Zhu Tong's father still values ​​his brother very much, and Zhu Tong is not in good health. The reason why his father values ​​his brother is self-evident. .

What is the reason why Zhutong doesn't like his brother?

There were discussions around.

Zhou Sui listened to their various guesses with satisfaction.

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