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Zhu Tong is on leave again, and it is said that he is not feeling well.

In the past two days, the weather in Gongshui County has been bad. The temperature has changed too much, and it is still cloudy and sunny. It was still cloudy at noon. In the afternoon, the dark clouds accumulated a large area in the sky.

Perhaps due to the weather, the atmosphere in Class Three's classroom was also a little heavy.

"Have you heard? There was a vicious wounding incident outside the cafe opposite Xinxin Plaza today, the kind that stabbed people directly with a knife."

"My aunt and the others live there. They seem to be a suspect under police custody. They were finally taken away in handcuffs. Sister, I live such a big life. I didn't expect police to handcuff prisoners away in our small county. thing."

"I'm going, this is too scary, isn't it?"

"Any photos? I have to go that way to get home. I won't be targeted, will I?"

"It's strange to say that someone took the photo, but soon the photos on those people's mobile phones were gone. Maybe the police didn't let it be published secretly."


Without direct evidence, hearsay news does not travel long among students.

Soon someone noticed the empty seats in the classroom all afternoon, and someone who was alone again.

"Zhutong seems to have been absent from school recently. It seems that we are worried about studying God, and everyone is wilted."

"What the **** is it? Aren't people nice?"

"Where is it better? The former student god, with his mobile phone in his hand, either played with his mobile phone or used the phone case as a mirror... Oh, it was originally a mirror, it doesn't matter, what matters is when you saw him studying seriously. ?"

"It seems too... But what happened to Zhu Tong? Didn't come all afternoon."

"I don't know, maybe the weather affects the cold, right? Sick beauty can't be set up haha."

It was now dinner time after the afternoon class. Shao Ming didn't go to dinner and stayed in the classroom to write something.

Rosso and Lu Zheyu went to the cafeteria and came back from cooking, went straight to the corner of the classroom by the window, leaned over and glanced, and said in shock, "You are... taking class notes? Didn't you never do this before?"

Shao Ming said without raising his head, "I promised to do it for him."

Rosso: "…"

There was no sound for a long time next to him, and it blocked his light. Shao Ming couldn't write for a while. He raised his head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Seeing that he was finally willing to give his eyes to him, Rosso pulled away the seat of Zhutong's seat and wanted to sit on it, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, and raised his eyes to meet someone's unfriendly gaze.


Even a seat has to be so precious?

Rosso was speechless, so he could only put the seat back and transfer it to the squad leader's seat in front.

He turned his head and glanced at the door of the classroom again, confirming whether the monitor would be back in a while, and then lowered his voice and said, "You and Zhu Tong, what's going on now?"

Shao Ming continued to write notes, "What's going on?"

Rosso said: "I saw it in the consultation room at noon."

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