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With his back against the cold wall and his hot breath in front of him, Zhu Tong was trapped between the cold and the hot, his mind was blank and buzzing.

Shao Ming is kissing him.

This kind of cognition made Zhu Tong instinctively feel a little helpless.

Touching people, getting close to people, this was something he used to reject and never dared to think about, not to mention such an aggressive approach.

But because this person is Shao Ming, there seems to be nothing wrong.

His body was no longer stiff, but he was still at the mercy of others like a puppet, not knowing how to resist or how to respond.

It wasn't until his breathing was blocked and his legs were a little weak that Shao Ming let go of him as if he was kind.

But not too far away.

The two were breathing opposite each other, Zhu Tong was breathing rapidly after he was released, and Shao Ming was still restrained and heavy.

Shao Ming's voice was low and sexy, "Do you hate it?"

Zhu Tong said dumbfounded: "What?"

Shao Ming said, "Do you hate me kissing you?"


Hate it? The answer is very clear, Zhu Tong shook his head honestly.

With a low smile in front of him, Shao Ming raised his hand and turned on the light switch.

The darkness was dissipated in an instant, and the blurred shadows in front of him all became clear.

At first glance, the distance between the two of them was clearly seen, and Zhu Tong's body relaxed in the darkness instantly tensed up again.

At this time, Shao Ming said again: "How do you feel?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does it feel like?


What does he want him to say?

A flustered look flashed across his face, he bit his lip nervously, and quickly released it as if scared.

He now has the taste of Shao Ming between his lips and teeth, so nibbling, it seems like he is aftertastes.

He panicked: "I..."

"If you don't hate it, can your consideration have a result?"

Zhu Tong raised his head suspiciously.

Shao Ming looked at him and said with a smile: "It is said that practice brings true knowledge, how about it? Is there any result?"


In fact, if there is no practice, there will already be results.

He stared at Shao Ming blankly.

Shao Ming also looked into his eyes without hesitation. He had never looked into these eyes so earnestly and candidly before, a pair of eyes that reflected his figure.

Zhu Tong's eyes are pale, and when he has no emotions, he always gives people a sense of bleak weakness, but I don't know when, the eyes looking at him have become brighter and brighter.

His fair face was stained with a layer of crimson from the cheeks to the base of the ears, and the originally light-colored lips, because the kiss just now, did not know how many shades of color, like the flower bones soaked with dew in the morning, attractive to pick.

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