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After Shao Ming went upstairs, Zhu Tong was left alone in the living room downstairs. He was so nervous that he wanted to run upstairs to eavesdrop immediately.

But he didn't dare, he could only sit quietly and stare at the system interface in a daze.

After entering the house, whether it was before or after meeting my grandfather, there was no change in the favorability value.

it should be no problem?

He believed in Shao Ming and also in his grandfather, but why was he so unhappy?

If Young Master Zhu now sees the photo of a whole wall in the upstairs room, he will probably know why he is not feeling well.

Shao Ming walked into the room stiffly, thinking that the monitor's curse had really come true.

You always have to pay back when you come out.

As the saying goes, Xiu Enai dies quickly, and he died peacefully now.

It turns out that what Mr. Cheng said "understood" really did.

And it has been known for a long time, even before Zhu Tong phoned and confessed to him.

Shao Ming prides himself on being more mature than his peers, and he is very observant, but he really can't see through the old man in front of him.

Cheng Qingsong glanced sideways when he walked to the sofa, and said casually, "Sit."


Shao Ming didn't try to be pretentious and sat down beside the old man.

Cheng Qingsong held the remote control in his hand and casually flipped through the pictures, without the guilt and embarrassment of secretly photographing others.

Some of these photos were sent by Zhu Tongshi to report safety, and more were taken from various angles by others, each of which was very ambiguous.

Shao Ming thought about what he and Zhu Tong would look like in the scenes of those who have bad intentions, but he didn't expect those scenes to be shown in front of him in this form.

It shot quite well.

"When was your first contact with him?"

Shao Ming was stunned for a while, and tried his best to calmly say, "What do you mean?"

Cheng Qingsong said: "Physical contact."

Shao Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said truthfully: "On the second day of his transfer, he caught a cold because he was not used to the accommodation environment in the school dormitory, so I sent him to the school doctor's office."

At that time, Zhu Tong had a fever.

Cheng Qingsong called out a few more photos, which were taken from a normal angle.

Shao Ming didn't know why, but he still watched carefully.

A few familiar scenes followed.

After Zhu Tong was beaten and vomited blood by Xiangchuan, he sent Zhu Tong to the hospital.

After Zhutong's foot was injured, he rode Zhutong back to the hotel.

And when Zhu Tong had a stomach hemorrhage, he took him to the hospital.

He suddenly realized something and tilted his head slightly: "You..."

"I know clearly that something happened to him, why didn't someone take care of him?"

Shao Ming was dumbfounded.

Cheng Qingsong said: "Because he doesn't want me to know."


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