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The mothers of your clan and the Gojo clan pushed their two 7 year old children in front of each other. You blankly stared at the white haired boy in front of you. His ocean blue eyes leered deep into your soul as you're unsure if he knew what's going on. You didn't feel any emotions in this situation. You already knew because you overheard it.

Your mother squeezed your shoulders tightly to the point she dug her nails into your skin after fighting through layers of clothes. She needed you to be on your best behavior because she wanted to get rid of you, the cursed child or sometimes called you the devil child. Then she leaned into your ear and whispered, "Make a great impression on him, y/n so we can look good. We put a lot of time and effort into finding the best suitor for you. Don't make us regret it."

You didn't say a word back but kept quiet. Your parents being the leader of a minor clan wanted to send out their second daughter for marriage. They liked creating a fake narrative of a happy family, but what they craved more was power and control. By throwing you out in the pool of suitors at an early age, they would be able to climb their way to the top and sit with the three great sorcerer clans: Gojo, Zenin, and Kamo while their first born daughter ruled your minor clan. You're just a tool for their survival, success, and disposal.

Your mother looked at Lady Gojo with the biggest smile on her face, masking her true intentions. "I am honored by your thoughtfulness, allowing our clans to become one and aid each other in need!! For this will mark a bright future for all of us!!"

"Yes, I am looking forward to that too! But under our condition, the wedding won't be held until they're both 18." Lady Gojo adamantly said, enforcing a rule upon this arranged marriage. Though your minor clan wasn't a bad choice, they knew you'd come in handy especially when your clan's curse technique was reconstruction: the ability to reshape an object/material to whatever shape or form the user wanted. Lady and Lord Gojo assumed you held the technique too, but that was your older sister, Kura who's only two years older than you. However, being called the cursed or devil child, you held a different technique which your parents hated you for.

Your mother kept her appearance up despite feeling defeated by Lady Gojo's request. Your mother wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible but it'll have to be delayed. "Of course! They're just kids who have no idea what love and marriage is. It's best to let their brains develop and mature!" Your mother agreed, then stuck out a finger and pointed at her future son in law who will grant her a leverage in the social class in jujutsu society. "Go introduce yourself to him." She pushed you.

You took a few steps forward until you felt satisfied being a foot away from one another. A bubbly smile drew your lips apart. "Hello, I'm y/n." You were polite and ladylike, showing your courtesy. Your role was to be the good daughter who will string the heart of Lady Gojo and her son.

Lady Gojo ushered her son to do the same too. "I'm Gojo Satoru..." He had a twisted shy-sour expression, looking at you as he could tell something was off about you.

"Aww! Let our child get to play with one another so they can bond!"

The moms left you and Gojo alone, and he broke away from his shy facade into his true feelings about you. He gave you the nastiest eyes, scrunched nose, and contorted lips possible on a baby face like his.

"You're a monster!" Gojo used his six eyes to read you like an open book. He hoped insulting you would make you cry and break the marriage because why would he want to settle with a person like you? He wanted his woman to be gorgeous, humble, intelligent, and strong but he didn't see that in you.

In spite of his harsh words, you bursted out laughing in his face. It was hilarious to hear him say that as he's correct about you. Although it stung just a little bit, you were getting immune to it.

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