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It was the night of Halloween and you and Gojo received a message from the higher ups about civilians being trapped in Shibuya, calling for Gojo.

You guys were still at the house and haven't left yet. You grabbed Gojo's hands, staring at him with worriedness written in your eyes. Your heart told you something was wrong, something was suspicious. It didn't make sense. "Don't go. Let me go in your place instead!"

"Y/n, you can't. There's a reason why I'm being called so I need to investigate." He softly spoke to reduce the anxiety stirring in your chest. It surprised him you're overly concerned about him because you and him know he's the strongest. He didn't need to be protected; he can protect himself.

You shook your head and refused. For once, you're going to stand your ground instead of letting him go. "No! I don't care!! Don't you think it's odd those people are calling your name?! We both know they don't know who you are. It's a trap! What if you die!?"

Gojo couldn't see it in your perspective. He believed it's a ploy and he could handle it. He excelled in dangerous, life threatening missions. Nothing could harm him. He's invincible. "Babe, we both know it's going to be fine—"

Tears streamed down your eyes as you became emotional remembering your past love. "Okay so!? Do I want another lover of mine to die once again?? NO! Don't you know how much that will hurt me? I feel like I've already suffered so much in this lifetime, Satoru. I just want to be happy now and move on!" You wiped your tears away, stepping back from Gojo. You continued to pour your feelings into the air so he knew all the things floating in your head. "I don't care if you're the strongest because that doesn't matter to me!! What matters is that you're safe, protected, and alive. I refuse to be your replacement for holding the balance between both worlds! If you die, I'd rather die too!" Your voice cracked, turning brittle like an empty eggshell and wiping more tears away. "I'll be too tired to live a long life because there's nothing left at the end of the road. Why would I seek out another relationship if they're going to die?"

Your crying eyes and redden nose tugged his heart. He didn't know you felt like this, but he couldn't believe how attached you were to him. She loves me that much that my death would kill her. I'm not going to be a Shoji 2.0. I'm going to survive no matter what, so I can come back to her. He said to himself and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

Gojo cupped your face and smiled lovingly at you. "Y/n, I love you a lot and you know that. I never shy away from showing you my love. You made me the happiest man this year. No matter what happens, I'll always come back to you. It doesn't matter if it's in this lifetime or the next. The strongest curse in this world is love. I love you very much." His sweet words touched your sadden soul as you knew where this was going. As the strongest sorcerer alive in this generation, his duty came first as there's no one else who could take his place. If he was able to divide his work then he would've done that a long time ago.

And with that, Gojo left to check out what's going on in Shibuya.

Your knees buckled as you fell on the ground, sobbing a little longer in your hands. I should've knocked him out cold!! But I thought my words would be able to get to him and persuade him yet it didn't work. Fuck! This doesn't seem right. I know it's not right. Something bad is going to happen to him. I can just feel it in my gut. I'm not crazy. I need to go before it's too late!!


You didn't care to be with your team as your priority was Gojo. You're following your gut instinct and everything that it's telling you what to do. You didn't want another death on your hand because you failed to protect him.

"Oh my... They weren't lying about a curtain." You curiously placed your hand on the curtain and pushed through it as your hand easily slipped in. "I guess I'm coming."

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