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When you arrived home, Gojo was standing in front of your door waiting for you. He knew you weren't home by your light porch turned off and his calls weren't going through.

"Gojo," you stood a few feet away from him.

"Y/n, what happened?"

"Let's talk inside." You moved past Gojo to get to the door, reeking of blood. The foul stench hit his nose quickly as it told him you did something bad.

The lights turned on and revealed your current disheveled state. You looked like a person who escaped death by fighting back and getting dirty in blood. In Gojo's view, your orbs were dull and bloodshot, barely recognizing you.

You stood in the short hall of the front door after the door closed. You exhaustively spoke in a numbing tone, "I killed them. Killed every one of them and I released the victims that were held there. The first year students witnessed me murdered Hirata Hajime in front of their eyes. They wanted to protect him because they didn't know the context of the situation, and after telling them, they stepped away and watched it happen. I told them to report the hideout to the higher ups because it has evidence of my dad's name in there. I left their bodies in a room, and I took some papers and pictures so here we are."

Gojo was surprised by your story but composed himself for your sake. "Call me by my first name, silly. Let's take this one step at a time. Say goodbye to your bag." Gojo's hand gently lifted the bag off your shoulder and set it down on the ground, near the many pairs of shoes lined up against the wall. "Then take a shower to clean yourself. We can figure out what you wanna do with your clothes." One hand of his wrapped around your left hand and the other hand stayed on your upper back, guiding you to your bathroom.

"Do you want a bath? A shower?" Gojo asked as he was going to prepare whatever you desired.

"I'll clean myself. I don't need you to get all handsy with me." You rejected his offer because you didn't want to know what's going to happen in the bathroom. Your mind knew but your body refused. His hands will not touch your solid naked body.

"Aw! You're not fun!" Gojo laughed, sensing you could titter back and forth between your dazed state and setting a boundary with him. You were tucked in there somewhere, and he has to get you to come out.

Gojo waited in the living room as you showered in hot water to get any sweat and dried blood off you. Every time you closed your eyes, wiping away running water off your face, you saw the trios' petrified faces. It played on repeat and you felt guilty. You never wanted anyone to see you in that state again. You wanted to shield them away from the real you. The only person who's allowed to technically see it was Gojo. He knew your true nature but those kids didn't. They shouldn't know your intentions and get involved. You're afraid to see them at school because you didn't have a script to read off from. Plus, you didn't want to know what they had to say after digesting everything.

After the shower, you dried off and wore your pjs then headed to the living room.

You sat beside him, relaxing on the cushion and debriefing your intel. "A lot has happened tonight and the most significant thing I learned is that my dad harvested children's cursed energy in order to create a weapon I believe is Minato's. I don't know if Kura knows the truth behind it or what but it's going down." Then your eyes began to water, knowing what you were going to tell Gojo hurts you.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Gojo leaned forward, examining your face. Your eyes and nose turned red and a few drops of tears rolled down. Your once dried lashes were now wet and spidery. "Hey, what's going on in your head?" His hands wiped the damp trails off your cheeks and caressed it with his warmth. He was concerned about you. Normally, tears never shed your eyes.

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