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One year later,

"Oh my goshhhhhhh!!" You panicked, pacing around your room as you fanned yourself with your hands. "I'm scared!! I'm having PTSD!!!" You wore a white shiromuku on your wedding day. You were all dolled up ready to see your groom, but you were having flashbacks when you were 18 years old and embarrassed by the abandonment of your fiancé.

You stood in front of the mirror, looking at the beautiful bride you've become. You could see the younger version of yourself in the reflection. Back then, you were filled with pure hatred and now you're in a better place. It's crazy how time passed and now you're marrying the man who left you at the altar. However, you weren't fond of how the marriage proposal happened three months ago...


You stared at the positive pregnancy test. You saw two lines, but you thought it was a fluke. "Impossible. I'm on birth control unless it failed me... maybe the contraception couldn't keep up with the amount of times we're having sex... Oh god...!" You groaned, still wishing it was a false positive.

You headed straight to Shoko's office since she's a doctor. She can give you a legitimate pregnancy test to take and confirm.


The loud sound jerked Shoko as it scared her. "What the hell?" She looked over at the door. "Y/n? You didn't have to be so—"

You slammed the door behind you and stormed over to her with a frightened expression. Your hands gripped her shoulders. "Give me a pregnancy test. I took one at home and it said it's positive, but I refuse to believe it. I'm on birth control!"

Shoko blinked at you, processing your words. It took her a minute to know how to reply back to your concern. "You know... There's always a slight chance of getting pregnant regardless of its main purpose right? You're the small exception that happens to individuals like you. But we can run a pregnancy test and confirm it." She wasn't going to congratulate you just yet as she sensed your fear.

Shoko gave you a cup to pee and ran the pregnancy test. Three minutes passed and she snorted by accident, seeing the result. "You're indeed pregnant!" She spun around in her chair and showed you the test.

You couldn't believe it. You didn't know how to feel. You were just shocked. Having kids wasn't on your bucket list right now. You still wanted to settle and adjust to your new lifestyle of peace and stress free life. The images of kids running around the estate scared you. It's only been a year and a half dating Gojo and life has presented you with a baby. You wanted to keep the dating phase just a little longer before marriage but that's not happening anymore.

"Thanks... I'm going home now. I gotta talk to Satoru..." You sounded like a robot and you stiffened like one as you walked out of her office.

Shoko chuckled to herself. "She's funny. Gojo will be so elated. He's been talking about family planning and marriage to me nonstop since he bled y/n's ears to deaf. Now his wishes are coming true. He's going to be a great dad. He loves her so much. What a drastic change in one year."

You arrived at home, seeing Gojo holding something in his hand intensely.

"Hey..." You weakly said, unsure how to announce the news to him. You knew he would react positively but still. You're the one who's scared. As you slowly approached him, you got a clearer image of what he was holding and it was your pregnancy test you took in the guest bathroom. You forgot to throw it out. You didn't think he'd find it since it's the bathroom no one uses. If you had taken it in the shared bathroom, then he would've spotted it in the trash or something. "Oh... You found the test." Your voice cracked as your heart raced in a fast tempo.

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