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After that 'date' of yours with Gojo, you felt so numb and hurt. Reading the file he gave you changed your outlook for good. However, you're glad it's uncovered and you knew the truth.


Your eyes were red and swollen from the countless tears and anguish you felt reading the papers. It didn't help that the rain was setting the tone to your torn up mind. "They killed him. My dad planned Shoji's death... They hired a Hitman to finish the job! This gives me more reasons to ruin my family! HAHAHA!" You laughed your insanity out of your system. You were hysterical and didn't know how to process this. It hurts you so much. It felt like being stabbed by thousands of knives into your body. You weren't okay; you were furious as you wanted to kill them right away but you knew it's too easy. Just like how your dad meticulously kept tabs on you, he developed an evil plan to get rid of your lover. He needed to find the right opportunity to strike which he did.

Gojo observed your erratic behavior, not once interfering or consoling you as he didn't want to look like he pitied you. "If you didn't know, the hitman is out of prison. I don't know how he was able to change his name but he did. His new name is Hirata Hajime, and he currently lives in Kabukicho."

"Ah, the red light district. Befitting place for a murderer like him." You were void of emotion, staring at his murderer's formal name on the paper. His unrepentant face and voice resurfaced your memory as it replayed on a broken film. "I should pay him a visit and hear his confession... And you're not coming with me Gojo. This is for me. You did enough by digging for the information. Thank you." It's a good thing your parents feared you because now they should pray to their fake God and repent each coming day until it's time for their death sentencing. You were going to make sure you get your answer from your dad regarding Shoji's death.



"OOF!" A ball hit you square in the face while you were consumed in your thoughts. The speed of the ball knocked your balance as you fell backward, landing flat on the ground as small birds flew in circles above your face.

"SORRY SENSEI!!!!" Your students yelled and rushed over to check up on you. They surrounded you, looking at you with concerned eyes. They wanted to make sure you didn't suffer a concussion and you were still with them too because they're on the verge of calling Shoko. It's unusual of you to not see the ball coming in your direction and taking the hit in the face. Most times in volleyball, you're quick to evade any sneaky ball that was making a bee-line towards you.

You blinked rapidly, coming back to Earth and registering the incident. "I'm... I'm ok. I was in a daze so I didn't pay attention." You slowly sat up as you felt your face throbbed a little bit. It didn't hurt but it was tender. "Well, I'm glad my nose isn't bleeding but is my face red?" You moved your head around, letting your students give you their judgment.

"Not really." Itadori was the first to answer.

"No." Fushiguro said.

"Maybe just a tiny bit." Maki sprinkled a little truth in there.

"Oh, it's definitely red like someone beat you up. The center of your face is red-red." Kugisaki was brutally honest as you got worried since her answer escalated from the last three. You weren't sure who was sugarcoating it.

Panda shrugged, figuring out if the red mark on your face was severe or mild. "Ehhh... It looks like a sunburn if you ask me. It's noticeable but it's not horrible."

For Inumaki's reply, he made an X sign with his arms and shook his head as he didn't want to answer. He could tell on your perplexed face that you didn't know who to listen to.

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