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"Sensei!!!! You're back!!!!" Your students shouted in excitement and relief, running towards you as they spotted you in your office. It's been painful for them to have a substitute during your leave. They've been worried sick about you especially since no one had any updates regarding your status and Gojo's too. However, they were glad you were innocent at the end of the day.

You stood up from your chair and maneuvered around your desk to greet them. It felt nice to be back in the same routine. Not to mention, your house was in the same condition as it was before and your prisoner was still alive. "Hi guys! I am back!" You threw your arms in the air and wiggled your shoulder with a smile.

"So what happened? Tell us the story." Maki bluntly asked, wanting to know the details. Everyone knew Gakuganji was removed from his position and awaited a sentence from the Gojo clan.

Your arms fell back to your sides as you let out a big sigh. It was going to be a long story to tell them. Of course, you were going to leave some pieces out like you and Gojo kissing. "Well... It started out with..." You blabbered on and on as the thrilling story shifted to different directions, giving your students backstories of prior events leading up to the trial. "So yeah, that's all that happened!!"

"Oh, geez..." Kugisaki uttered out. She felt like she lost half of her lifespan from your story. It drained her soul and mental health in one go. She wondered how badly it affected you.

"I've always known Gakuganji was a suspicious one." Panda muttered a little too loud as everyone heard and kept their opinions to themselves about that.

"Well, it's all done and over with now! I'm glad both you and Gojo sensei are okay and you're still working here too." Itadori said what the others felt as well.

It was nice to know your students missed you and prayed for your safety and innocence. Your arms folded over your chest, announcing what class will be today. "I'm tired as hell from this fiasco so let's head out to the arcade or something! I'm going to take some time off to relax because this aged me so badly." You meant it. You were so close to calling into work because you needed to recuperate back to your normal self. However, you didn't since you knew your students were waiting for your return. You did it for them, letting them know you're fine.

You took the students out wherever they wanted. It's stress free for you and a good way to start your first day back on the job.

Watching your students have fun in the arcade, except Panda as he chose to stay behind due to being a cursed puppet, you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. You didn't know who it was but you picked it up, answering the call as the phone was placed against your ear. "Hello?"

"Y/nnnnnnn, where did you go?!! Where did the students go?? Isn't it their gym time???" It was none other than Gojo who wanted to know your whereabouts like always. Just like after the trial, he wanted to sleepover at your house but you refused because of Hirata being in the basement. But luckily, your saving grace was Gojo's mom taking her son away from you since it's been hellish. Plus, you two weren't even in a relationship to begin with so his delusional mind was going coo-coo.

You rolled your eyes in disappointment but already expecting this behavior at the same time. He will always be attached to you by the hips. Somehow you guys were an item package, or that's what Gojo made it feel like. It made you rethink if you should've let him die by poison or not. "Nope. I'm never telling you. I'm warning the students to decline and ignore your messages and calls because you have separation issues. Bye!"

You ended the call quickly. You refused to let him have the last word or even imply to find you guys because that's a bit extreme. You don't need another psycho stalker when you haven't even discovered your first one. You set your phone on silent mode since you were going to enjoy the day with your students.

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