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"So why are we carving pumpkins?" Maki asked, drawing on her pumpkin to see what she wanted to carve out.

"Because Halloween is coming up soon. It'd be nice to decorate the school grounds." You said as you aggressively stabbed one of your marked areas on the pumpkin with a safety knife.

"Couldn't we have waited until the first years came back?"

"Yeah, but I would've been too lazy to carve pumpkins." You replied.

Panda carefully cut out his pumpkin to resemble him. "I hope they're doing okay. I haven't heard much from them."

"They're strong kids. I don't doubt their abilities." Your finger punched the cutout and threw it in the trash to discard. Your pumpkin had an eye made to see.

During the middle of pumpkin carving, Gojo walked up the steps to the gymnasium and called your name. "Y/n, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Glancing at the entrance, you stopped what you were doing. "If I don't come back and class ends, it's totally fine just leave your pumpkins there." You told the second years and marched towards Gojo. You wondered what he had to say.

"Come follow me." Gojo gestured to you as you walked beside him to an unknown destination.

"What's going on?"

"It's Minato. I finally contacted him and brought him over. He has something to tell us." Gojo had a grim look which told you it wasn't a good thing. It made your stomach feel uneasy.

"That doesn't sound good..."

Arriving at a room on campus ground, you saw the anxious Minato pacing back and forth. He seemed visibly nervous as it made you curious what he did.

"It's been a long time, Minato." You announced your presence and immediately, you and Gojo were greeted with an antsy man.

He glanced at you, eyes trembling like a prey fearing their predator. "Hi...!" He squeaked. His complexion didn't look too good standing in front of you. He was pale like the color of his face drained and his dark circles were bold.

"Where have you been?" You sat on the desk. "My heart ached from not hearing from you."

Ugh. Did she really have to say that in front of me? Gojo groaned in dismay. He knew he was the possessive type when he's with you. But he had to remember you're already his, so he shouldn't need to worry.

Minato's shifty eyes couldn't meet yours. "Ah... Yeah, I'm sorry. I've been busy..."

You noticed the change in his demeanor, so you were going to cut to the chase. "I know you and Kura have been seeing each other. I don't know if it's a sexual, romantic relationship or not but I suggest you stop. If word got out, it'll definitely ruin your reputation and Kura will get rid of you."

Gojo blocked the door so Minato couldn't escape, and he wouldn't dare jump out the window because you guys were a few stories high. He would kill himself if he chose to do it.

Minato gulped, wiping the small beads of sweat off his hairline. He sucked at containing his emotions because it showed on his face. He was a guilty man. "I... I..." Minato didn't know what to say. He feared for his life. "Gojo!" He pleaded and stared at his buddy.

"Sorry, Minato. I tried warning you from the beginning." Gojo had nothing else to say.

Minato dropped on his knees and bowed as his forehead touched the ground. His body trembled from the kept secret.

"You should just admit it. I took a picture of you and Kura going to a motel together! Isn't that suspicious? I'll tell you the day and time I caught it." You eagerly smiled like a kid excited to get on an airplane and travel for the first time. You told him the day he was caught by you and Gojo. "Not only that, did you know the weapon you made was sourced by dead children's cursed energy? Or maybe...you did know."

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