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4 days have passed since you've been staying at the Gojo estate. You were completely tired and mentally exhausted. You and Lord Gojo were collaborating all the time to help your case. The amount of evidence gathered to testify against Gakuganji was a lot to deal with. It was nonstop rehearsals to ensure a seamless trial on your part. It made your day really long and dreadful, but at the back of your mind, you couldn't help but wonder if Gojo was ever going to wake up. Just a tiny statement of his awakening would ease your mind. You knew Lady Gojo would always go inside her son's room to stay with him for a few hours. Lately, Rai has been keeping you company as he didn't like being confined in his own room.

You and Rai sat on a bench in front of a large pond, watching koi fish swim peacefully. You guys were snacking on mochi to kill some time, chatting about random things since you two didn't know anyone. It felt nice to have social interactions here and there.

Meanwhile, Lady Gojo was inside her son's room studying his moody behavior. He refused to let the whole estate know he's awake and his mouth kept asking about you. It ticked her off as he's being stubborn. He asked questions of what you're doing, who you're talking to, etc. all small details he wanted to know. It made Lady Gojo want to smack him.

"What's y/n doing?" Gojo played with a deck of cards, building a house of cards as he began at the base. He still had his back against his mom as he acted childishly.

Lady Gojo had a brilliant idea to get a reaction out of him. If he refused to let people know he was alive and had the guard lie to others then she would play with his feelings for you. She knew what you were doing and who you were with. Hopefully, it caused her son to feel jealous and get out of his own room.

Lady Gojo's finger tapped her cheek, looking up at the ceiling as she told him. "Ummm... I heard she's hanging out with the black market dealer outside. They're eating mochi together. I walked past them earlier! They seemed to enjoy each other's presence these past four days." Lady Gojo wanted to exaggerate some things.

Gojo's shoulders stiffened. "Oh, really?" He bit his tongue so he wouldn't let his mom know his ire state. His fingerwork still continued stacking the cards up.

"Yes. From what I heard through servant gossip, the dealer has a handsome face who he only lets y/n see."

Gojo's jaw clenched as the first layer of cards collapsed from his shaking hands. He couldn't believe you'd move on from him. First off, you allowed him to grow feelings for you then you poisoned him, and now you're off with a new replacement? How could you toss him away like a broken toy? Gojo knew how handsome he was. He bet he's more handsome than the dealer guy. Whatever spell the dealer has you under, he's not going to let it progress. You're his and only his, and he will show you.

Lady Gojo pressed on, loving to tease her son and pushed him off the edge. "You make her very lonely because you refused to get out. You know she's been waiting for you to wake up...and you read the evidence too, so you're not that angry at her."

"Mom... Get out of my room! I don't wanna hear this right now!" His jealous heart couldn't handle it anymore. His mom was pissing him off.

Lady Gojo held in her stifling laugh and left. She planned to steal you away and have small talks with you. It'll ease her mind from this terrible situation weighing the whole clan down. Everyone's been working hard to tie up any loose ends. They feared being placed in a tough spot if they messed up somehow. Of course their reputation as the Gojo clan will take a hit, but it's nothing big like a hurricane tearing down cities. Lady and Lord Gojo will pull strings if they had to because you saved their son.

Her footsteps lightly tapped across the floor. She inhaled the beautiful scent of flowers from the open windows in the hall she was in. At the center of the estate was a big walking garden. Lady Gojo spotted you with Rai. She couldn't tell what was happening between you two since she could only see your guys' backs.

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