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"Sensei, are you sure you're going to be okay?" Itadori asked, worried that fighting you will tear him apart.

All of his students and some sorcerers were concerned and wanted to join in, but Gojo had no choice but to tell them about your cursed technique. They stood no chance against you because you could kill someone in a heartbeat and they wouldn't be able to react fast enough. It's best if they stayed back since they don't have infinity to protect themselves like Gojo, and he's much stronger when working solo.

Gojo beamed a bright smile. He's a genius. He has it all mapped out and besides, he wholeheartedly knew you weren't going to let Sukuna possess your body. On the brighter note, hopefully his tight black shirt and baggy pants could do the trick too. "Don't worry! I don't need any help. It'll be done before you know it!"

"Alright, everyone head to the monitor room." Shoko hollered so they could follow her.

Before Gojo left the premises, he ushered Minato to come towards him.

"Yes?" Minato asked as his heart beat fast from anticipation. He knew his task was a big one since he had to get the timing right to trap Sukuna and Gojo.

"I don't think I need to tell you how to do this. I'm pretty sure when you see an opening, you'll know when to release it." Gojo firmly looked at him and set a hand on Minato's shoulder. He didn't worry too much about Minato failing because he wouldn't let it happen. Minato would definitely give it his all to show his remorse of his past actions.

Minato gave useful advice for Gojo to know. "If you're going to use the weapon, make sure you stab the heart. I'll tell your friend to run out there to heal y/n because killing both souls will be ten seconds apart. Sukuna will die first then y/n. If your friend isn't fast enough, y/n is dead." The weapon's a one time use type of deal and it matters how it's lodged into the body. Not targeting the heart defeats the purpose of killing a vessel.

"Thanks for letting me know. I have to go."


Out on the battleground, Gojo's chest tightened by the sight of you dressed in a comfy black kimono with a smug expression. He obviously knew it's Sukuna who took over your body and he didn't like this whatsoever.

"Are you ready to be killed by me? You don't stand a chance against me. This woman's technique is deadly. It makes me envious." Sukuna laughed, staring at his delicate hands soon to be covered in blood. "I hope she cries when I kill you."

Gojo's eyebrows knitted as his eyes narrowed. He shouldn't feel too guilty because it's not actually you but Sukuna. "Do you like being in a woman's body? Or do you prefer a male's? I feel disgusted looking at you. Your demonic voice doesn't match a woman's body. We might need to call a priest to sprinkle holy water on you." He snickered.

"Preferably a male's, but this is one exception I couldn't turn down." Sukuna launched his first attack, closing the gap and throwing a jump kick to Gojo. Sukuna had to familiarize himself with his new body. What's the body's limit? How much could he output before the body stopped him? And all those small details he had to know before using your cursed technique to finish Gojo. Sukuna actually wanted to enjoy this because it's no fun if it ended quickly.

Gojo countered the attack without any delay. His prowess was much higher than your own in your body. Just because a new soul took over your body didn't change the fact it has its limitations. Gojo hardened his heart to numb himself and swooped in with punches. Gosh, I feel terrible hitting her face. She's going to give me the silent treatment when she's back in her body. I'll be pampering her for days. He said to himself.

"I know you're hesitant. After all, I've taken over the love of your life!!" Sukuna laughed, feeling no power in Gojo's attacks.

Gojo scoffed at his accusation. "I think I've grown disgusted because of you! Thanks for reminding me not to hold back!!"

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