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"Did you hear your parents are throwing you a party because you saved Gojo's life and threw Gakuganji in jail?" Mei Mei said, giving you a heads up about your family's activities as you hung out with her at her mansion.

You picked up the sweet wine glass and sipped it before answering on her comfy couch. "Hmm. They always want to profit something and turn it around for them. It's kind of annoying. They haven't sent any invitations yet." Since there's nothing in the mail for you to be concerned about, you didn't have to worry.

"I think you should go. They're finally seeing you as someone important."

"Ugh, no." You groaned and laughed, entertained by her statement. "Kura is going to find a way to make it all about her. You know how self-centered she is."

"Doesn't it give you more reason to crush her? I know you hate her. You did it once. Do it again." Mei Mei pointed out what you did at the last event you attended. It was hilarious and she loved it. The news spread quickly as it was a hot topic for a few weeks.

"Mmm. We'll see! I should get going. I have paperwork to do since I missed days from work." You tearfully cried, taking one last sip before breaking away from Mei Mei's place. It felt extremely nice to destress and chill.

"We can plan a girls' trip! I'll send you the details soon!"

You were walking to the train station to get back home as you were on the phone with Gojo. You passed people, still in the heart of the city. "Is everything going well with Minato?" You haven't visited nor spoken to him for a while. You didn't know what the progress was on your weapon but you didn't care anymore. All you wanted was him to incriminate himself to Gojo and let him get a recording of it.

"Yep! I just got done. Seems like he's opening up, and he is worried about you. You should drop by soon. He's afraid to call or text you. Clear the air with him."

"Oh? Isn't that a weird thing for you to say." You chuckled, remembering how possessive he could be for no reason. "You don't even want me to be near other men." You playfully teased.

Gojo rolled his eyes over the phone though you couldn't see it. "Well, I'm doing this for you. Do you think I'll let the Zenin Clan get you? No! I will do anything in my power to stop it!!" You heard his determination lingering in his voice as it scared you. You prayed he didn't display his love and affection in public. You're not fully ready nor do you know how to proceed with your situationship with him too. Neither you or Gojo explained what you two were and what you guys could or couldn't do. To be honest, it made you nervous to think about.

"I keep forgetting to ask you but are you the one who's sending flowers at my house?" It always slipped your mind whenever you saw Gojo and it only popped in when he's away.

Gojo was appalled, gasping through the phone. "Huh?!! Who's sending you flowers? I know I didn't! Are you cheating on me?!"

Hearing his response, you genuinely knew it wasn't him. Gojo would definitely be bold and straightforward with it, not hide and be mysterious. You wanted to rip the hairs out of your head because you couldn't handle this anymore. Mei Mei should send you the plan as soon as possible. You needed a break from everything.

"Will you stop? We're not even dating! We don't even have a label! Calm down. I'm hanging up! Bye!" You ended the call before Gojo could even say a word back. You refused to let him have the last word after his possessive accusation. Gosh, it annoyed you yet you couldn't wrap your head around the thought of wanting more from him despite his attitude. You became a version of yourself you didn't recognize anymore.

You continued walking down the busy streets until you sensed the most repulsive cursed energy reeling from an alleyway. As much as you wanted to ignore it and walk away, your sorcerer duty compelled you to take a look. Plus, the energy it emitted felt grand as if it's a special grade curse.

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