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Last night was awkward for the both of you. It hurt Gojo more as he couldn't solve his feelings. Not to mention, you refused to be close to him and chit chat with the women. He understood he made it harder on you, but it was also difficult for him too. He told you that he's naive to emotions, especially romantic one's. Indeed it's crazy for him to develop feelings for you in the span of three and a half months. How could he blame himself when he was the one wanting to change the dynamic of the broken relationship? He had his ups and downs, but now he had to find a solution with this one. Hopefully, there was a solution.

Gojo watched you from a distance, drinking coconut milk. You were busy gathering information from people, playing innocently as possible. Seeing you interact with males infuriated him and it probably has to do with the fact you guys had the conversation last night. If it didn't happen, he most likely wouldn't think too much about it. Since it's at the front of his head, Gojo couldn't undo it even if it'll cost his sanity.

"Gojo, is that you?"

Gojo turned around, seeing it was Daiki approaching him. He greeted the middle aged man with a bright smile, trying his best to wash away his feelings. "Yes, it is! How are you?"

"I'm good. What about you?"

"Same as always."

However, Daiki wasn't buying Gojo's response. Him, being an elder who was wise and knew best, decided to pry into Gojo's business. "You don't have to lie. It's clear that you and y/n had an argument of some sort. We can see it even if you guys can't."

This old man really wanna be nosy? I don't need his help. I can figure it out on my own... But is it really that noticeable? Gojo said to himself before replying to Daiki.

"Problems will arise even in marriage so it's just a small hurdle for us! We'll figure it out and come back to talk to each other later. Thanks for checking up on me." Gojo really wanted Daiki off his case. It's not something he wanted to talk about.

"Yeah, of course! I've been through it before and though it felt like it might break our relationship, it only made us stronger and strengthened my love for her. Sometimes you don't realize it until the gloomy clouds are gone and out come the sun, illuminating the path in front of you. Don't stop fighting for her and make things right for the both of you!" Daiki gave his two cents when he knew Gojo didn't want to hear it but did it anyway. Being a man too, Daiki understood the importance of seeking advice despite feeling like he could handle it with his own murky mindset.

Soon after the short conversation, Gojo kept his eyes on you. This time you were playing with the kids, and he decided to join you.

Gojo jogged over. "Having fun without me?" He popped right next to you, not being too close to you and making you feel uncomfortable but close enough to look normal for a couple.

You were taken back by his presence as you knew his sharp gaze followed your every move yet you chose to ignore it until now. You chuckled, putting on a facade in front of the kids. "The fun doesn't start until you're here. We're gonna play hide and seek in the 'forbidden' zone. Tag team with me so we can find the kiddos!" You offered since it'll be easier to scope the area faster.

"Sure!" Gojo wasn't going to waste this opportunity.


The five kids disbursed into the forbidden zone as you guys stood at the entrance of it. Although you felt awkward being with him, you had to push that feeling to the side and be the bigger person to overlook it for now until the mission was over. Your duty currently was to play husband and wife on your honeymoon.

Nudging Gojo, you whispered some discovery you got from the kids. "They told me that in this forbidden zone nobody goes in because a monster lies here. Even their parents warned them about it too yet we're here because I somewhat convinced them, and it seemed like they wanted to discover it too. Kids are curious when they're told not to do something they're not supposed to."

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