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Your relationship with Geto didn't last long. After four months of dating, you broke it off. You found out about his real job and motive. You didn't want to be with a man who was interested in committing genocide. No way you're going to live with that title over your head or have thoughts about when he'll actually pull it off. You're not cutting your life short for him. However, it wasn't easy for you and Geto to be separated for a long time. He would come crawling back and whispering sweet honey into your ear so you could be with him, and you would end up in bed together all the time. Geto wasn't an easy person to get rid of as he still held a soft spot in your heart.

You went to your mailbox and retrieved the mail, locking the door behind you and sitting at the dining table. You flipped through mail after mail until you froze up seeing your clan's crescent on a white envelope. It had your name beautifully written on it and you were scared to open it.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Geto appeared behind you, tilting his head down to give small kisses on your neck and shoulder.

You shut your eyes and scrunched up your nose in response to his love bombing affection. You weren't going to give in. His sweetness was very deadly and toxic. You can't keep staying in the same situation even if the temptation was killing you. Choosing yourself once again, you moved away from his buttery, warm lips and glared at him. "How many times do I have to keep telling you to stop doing this?! I'm not getting back to you, and we're not friends with benefits. I'm cutting you out from my life yet you're still holding on... What's your deal?"

"Baby..." Geto grabbed a lock of your hair and rubbed it in between his thumb and pointer finger. "I'm sorry I lied to you. How many times are you going to keep doing this to me? One day you want me, the next you don't. I treat you so good as your boyfriend. No one else will be as good as me."

You swatted his hand to make it clear you're not falling for his manipulation. He hid his true-self instead of coming off clean. You're not into liars who fabricate their lives to ensure there's no leakage from the truth. It disgusts you. "No, you're playing yourself. I can't love you; I don't love you anymore! Now please stop breaking into my house and leave me alone for good!! I'm being so damn nice if you can't see it." There's no way you're going to get authority involved because Geto's a curse user and he hates non-sorcerers with a passion. If he doesn't listen then you would have no choice but to use your cursed technique as the final straw. You're tolerating so much and you're getting to your limit.

A sad frown painted on Geto's face as he's displeased by your refusal to let him back into your life. He shouldn't have let you get too close to him and discover the truth. Now he can't get you back or else you might take his life with it. "Fine, y/n. If that's what you want then I shall give you it. You're always free to come back into my arms because I still love you."

You sat there in silence after Geto left. You shedded a few tears to let go of the emotional ties of the breakup. Then you went back to the envelope and opened it. Your eyes scanned the content and it was about your sister's second wedding celebration. She was holding a western wedding after having the traditional Japanese wedding.

"Of course, they would allow Kura to have two weddings... She is spoiled and entitled after all... I'm not surprised." You tossed the paper into the trash across the room. You weren't going to see them. They were horrible to you. Nobody but Kura would send this to you because she wanted to keep a good appearance. You knew since you didn't attend the first wedding, people talked behind their backs about you not being there. They probably stirred their ego and pride and now wanted to prove them wrong. "They can rot in hell! One day, I'll be their downfall and they will regret it..."

It felt stuffy inside the house so you left to take a small walk. You pulled out a cigarette from the box and lit it up with your lighter. You weren't a heavy smoker, but you did it once in a while. It felt good to feel your lungs shrivel up to replace the stress or pain in your head. Drinking it away wasn't your cup of tea as you hated getting hangovers. You'd rather die than get one.

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