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The moment you woke up and recalled the event before passing out, you felt your limbs restricted as the clinking chains startled you. "What the hell?!" You lifted your head up and looked around the area. First of all, you were placed in an unfamiliar room. You didn't recognize it and you were stationed on the bed, laying flat on your back with wrists chained on the headboard. There was little space for you to move your hand away. Then you stared down at your clothes to make sure nobody changed you and thank goodness it didn't happen. You wore the clothes from Halloween.

I don't know where I am. I do remember what happened to me. This room... This room looks oddly familiar... The light purple walls, the hanging artwork, the simple styled furniture decorating the floor. Oh my gosh! This... This room is the exact same room that Shoji and I used to share!! It's all coming back to me... The sudden realization made you panic. You were more scared than shocked. The imposter was Shoji, but you knew there's more to the Shoji than you knew.


"Well, well... you're finally awake. I was afraid you weren't going to open your eyes."

You turned your head to the side, watching the imposter coming inside your room. He came in with a tray of warm food in his hands.

Your face shriveled in disgust. "Who are you? I don't believe you're Shoji. He wasn't a sorcerer." You were going to keep asking the same question until you got an answer. You didn't want to believe the name your dad told you, but if he were to confirm it then you'd hate to admit your dad was right about one thing.

The man who claimed to be Shoji set the tray on the nightstand and sat beside you on the bed. His body weight sank the mattress down. He wore Geto's sweet, innocent smile that charmed you many years ago. "I know I lied to you and I'm sorry. My name is Shoji—I mean that's my middle name." He paused before revealing the truth. "My actual name you're probably eager to know is Kenjaku."

Hearing his real name, your breathing hitched as that's the name your dad said to you but you disregarded it believing he made it up. Oh my gosh... My dad was really on to something. Why did he have to hide it? I can't ask him now since he's dead. But fuck... What else am I discovering next?! You were extremely disappointed and hurt but you had to keep going to dig up the hidden truth.

You remained calm for the sake of gathering new information. "Seems like my dad knew something about you. What else have you lied to me about? What's your real identity, huh? I'm already broken down by everything in life. You might as well add more to make me miserable!"

Kenjaku frowned at your words. "Awhh. Don't say that. I love you a lot, y/n. I know I lied to you but the love I showed is true. I'm a..." He wasn't scared to come clean to sew your broken soul together. He still needed you even if he was in a new body. Kenjaku revealed he's a very old sorcerer from the past and he's only alive through body hopping. "I've been searching for someone who I can actually love. I went to Shoji's body and fell in love with you. I died too early because of your dad, but luckily I had a back up body to go to. Then I settled with Geto's body—"

"Bullshit." You saw through his lies. He could've made up a better excuse. He had years to perfect it, but instead he said something corny. "You only strung me along because you knew who I was. If you're a sorcerer from the past then you obviously have a lot of knowledge of everything. I don't believe your fake story that you didn't know who I was because you know Gojo Satoru is the strongest, that's why you sealed him. If you hadn't died early in Shoji's body then we would've destroyed the jujutsu world. You couldn't do that in Geto's body because you're aware he's my ex and he 'died' last year. Am I wrong?"

"Hmm." Kenjaku felt a little bitter about this. You got most of it correct yet he couldn't answer you since one word would mess up everything he's done. If he had done more to make you tie yourself down to him then it would've been easy peasy yet he failed to do so.

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