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Days after the event, your parents sent you an apology gift for your sister's reaction. You chuckled to yourself, viewing it on your porch. It was wrapped in a big box with a letter taped on to it.

"I told you Kura... You're not winning this time around." You stepped outside the front door in your pjs and snatched the letter to read first.

Dear y/n,

I'm so sorry for what Kura has done to you. She paid the price of being humiliated in front of everyone, and we have reprimanded her. We couldn't believe she sought to be with the son of the Gojo clan despite being married. We send this gift as an apology.

"Pfff! I can tell they eagerly wanted to victimize themselves and their reputation in this letter... When you know them so well, you can pinpoint where they wanted to do it. But everyone watched it all go down, so they had to swallow their pride and defend me because I did nothing particularly wrong here."

You decided to donate their stuff without even knowing what the content was because you didn't want it. The price you craved was their blood and pleads. You weren't afraid of killing them but it wasn't time yet.


You were sent on a mission regarding cars going missing and people never returning back from their car ride. You needed to report any finding of those missing people and cars found behind an invisible barrier.

"Oh god not the bridge..." This was the prime location where cars and people went missing. It gave you a bad feeling in your stomach as bridges were known to be a place where the living crossed over to the dead. It's a bad omen from the start. "I'll see what awaits me."

You cautiously walked the deserted red bridge. Your footsteps tapped on the concrete bed, staying in the middle of the dividing line that controlled incoming lanes. "They weren't lying about a barrier, I can feel it. But this one is weirdly strong compared to other ones I've encountered. It's like it's been enhanced." It was a force you could physically feel on your body as it weighed you down at your shoulders and made your skin feel icky.

Drawing closer to the midpoint of the bridge, you knew it was going to be impossible to turn back around. This barrier screamed I'm-going-to-trap-you. You took a deep breath and gripped the katana handle strapped at the back of your hips. Using a weapon was a decoy appearance since you didn't want others to know you had a curse technique embedded into your body.

"Whoever did this is smart. The barrier at the other end of the bridge mirrors this side where I stand. Nothing looks eerily wrong, fooling drivers to pass through it like it's a normal day. This shit is not taking me down until I get to make my family suffer!" You marched inside, fists balled as the barrier accepted you and closed the entrance, trapping you to your death. The other side revealed an apocalyptic version. The sky was red, totaled cars scattered everywhere, corpses and skeletons were piled, and the grass and trees were wilted. It felt like you were in a movie though you knew how real this was.

"Gosh. They think we're gonna have survivors? I think not." You proceeded to keep going because now you had to find the main culprit and end it so you can leave.

This place was pure silence and no curses were detected yet. It set a perturb feeling in your stomach like a jump scare was going to happen any moment now. There's no life in this barrier but you.

Should I shout and gather their attention? It might be way faster than being stealthy for no reason. It'll probably bring curses to me so I don't have to find them too. It may help find a survivor. I don't know. It's worth a shot. You said and decided to draw all the attention to yourself.

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