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At a luxurious mall with high end retail stores, you felt intimidated by the displays, seeing the clothes and set up of the stores by walking past them. You weren't the type to splurge on expensive items unless it's needed. You have the funds for it, but it breaks your heart to see large amounts of money subtracted in your bank account.

Gojo wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he missed you. "This is going to be so much fun!! We will buy it here and head to the salon to do hair and makeup! Then we will head to the venue!" He had it all planned out. You guys will make it in time since it doesn't start until the evening. He was very ecstatic to pick out your dress, but he really wished he could show you off as his woman. It's a bummer but he knew there will be a future where it will happen.

Your eyes couldn't look away from his large hand resting on your left side of your hip. The size scared you as it impossibly swallowed your left hip. His fingers lightly pressed into your lower abdomen like he was searching for something. It made you feel weird neither good nor bad.

"Why... Why're you touching me like that?" You genuinely were concerned. His fingers were getting too antsy like a caged beast yearning for freedom.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Gojo innocently asked as if he didn't know what you meant. He made it seem like his hand wasn't attached to his body which he controlled. However, in reality to acting clueless, Gojo wanted you to blurt out his action. His ears craved to listen to your descriptive words telling what you're experiencing and how it makes you feel, sounding like a sadistic man.

You glanced at him, slowly getting all red in the face as you sensed him testing your ability to stay in the gutter. "You know what I mean...! I'm no animal to be petted." You refused to give in to his tactic.

A cocky smirk appeared on his lips, resembling an asshole who liked to cause a disturbance. He leaned into your ear and whispered as it tickled you. "Are you sure about that? I can feel your body trembling just having my hand on your hip."

"Or maybe it's you. Aren't you the deprived one who can't get your hands off me?" You playfully teased back, grinning widely as your right hand snaked behind his lower back and rested on the spinal dip above his butt.

"Oh, you're a naughty one, y/n! You get me all riled up. I might not be able to control myself." Gojo said in a half serious, half joking voice, still deciding what he should do with you. Maybe if you're in the dressing room, he might sneak in to arouse and force you to look at yourself in the mirror as he's breaking your barrier down.

"Let's get going. You're getting side tracked." You quickly cut the mood short or else nothing would be accomplished today.

Inside a store, Gojo was looking at tuxedos to pick while you sat in a chair and waited. You had no idea how to help Gojo since all tuxedos displayed were fairly similar to one another with a touch of small differences in details. He could pick any tux and he'd look handsome like always. Men's formal clothes were drastically different from women's in terms of style, design, and cuts.

"Y/n!!" Gojo hollered your name, waving his hand for you to come over to him. He had a bright sparkling face which told you he found a tux to his liking.

"Ok. I'm coming!" You announced, getting out of your seat and following Gojo. He traveled to the fitting room area where there's two rows of rooms with a curtain as the door and turned around when he got to his destination.

"I'll call you in and tell me what you think, okay? I need your opinion."

"You sure you want my opinion? I feel like if you knew you could pull it off, you're going to be cocky and confident about it regardless. So why does my say matter?"

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