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6 months passed after the attack from Geto. Life was normal again like nothing ever happened. You never cared to know the aftermath or if Geto died. He's out of your life so you didn't want to know. Even better for you, Gojo never contacted you like you asked.

You stood at the gates of Tokyo jujutsu tech as you were hired to be their P.E teacher. You had no qualifications to be a teacher, but they needed staffing and they were going to pay you a lot of money for telling students to be active. You didn't know who worked there, but you'll find out soon enough.

This was your first time stepping in Tokyo tech because you never needed help for anything. It was a big place as there were lots of trees and flowers decorating the area. It surprised you to know they had housing here. This place could be a village essentially.

"So cute..." You kept walking until you found your way to the principal's office. The so-called office wasn't even an office, rather a minka house. You questioned if you should be living on campus too or just stay where you currently reside. This place made you question your life choices.

You knocked on the sliding door.

"Come in,"

Opening the door, you cautiously took your time coming in as you observed your surroundings. The interior only had cute stuffed animals laying on the ground. You wondered if it's the principal who made it or if it were gifts from others. Then the principal sat in the center of the room, patiently waiting for you to come closer.

"You're y/n?"

"Yes, I am." You sat in front of the principal.

"I'm Yaga Masamichi, the principal of this school. Aren't you the daughter of—"

"Yep, I came from the l/n clan but I refuse to be associated with them. I'm making my own path, so can we cut to the chase, Yaga?" You didn't want to be snippy but you had to. There's no way you're gonna tell him your whole life story. You're here on your first day on the job and you'll continue working at this school.

Yaga sighed from your hastiness and got to his point, "Since it's your first time here, I have someone to guide you around. Come out." He called your tour guide.

A big frown drew upon your lips, seeing who it was. "Fuck me..." You mumbled to yourself.

It was none other than Gojo emerging from the shadows. He plastered on a forced smile per Yaga's order to keep the atmosphere civil as he knew you two didn't have a good history.

You sat there stunned, unable to move, talk, or blink, and possibly even breathe. You turned into stone because he appeared and no one dared to inform you. Maybe it's on you for not doing your diligence and asking who worked here. Nonetheless, your heart raced in a mixture of emotion, ranging from rage to hurt.

Your eyes shifted to Yaga, unfazed and observant. "Can I quit?"

"Nope! You two will learn how to coexist and be nice to one another! Sorcerers are on an all time low right now, so you guys will have to teach the youngsters while others scout." Yaga pushed you and Gojo out of the minka.

No words were exchanged as you followed behind Gojo. Being approximately a foot away from him, you realized how gigantic he was. If you two had to play a trust fall game, you're not catching him. He will crush you.

Gojo told you where all the places were on campus until you hit your final destination: the gymnasium.

"This is our last stop. You can find all the equipment you'll need for whatever you choose to teach the students." Gojo refrained from saying more than what he needed as he felt awkward doing this. He really wasn't supposed to be your guide but Yaga had the final say.

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