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You woke up the next day with a heavy heart, and you didn't have the energy to endure this mission as long as you knew Gojo's feelings. This was not what you planned to happen, hence you were going to take an aggressive route and finish the mission.

In the background, the shower was running as Gojo was in there. Your dark mind wanted Gojo out of the way so he wouldn't interfere with your actions. You absolutely knew you shouldn't do it but you wanted out. If you hear one more word about Gojo's desire to test the water and feel his touch on your body, you're going to lose it. Taking a sinister route was the solution even if it painted you as a villain because no one was going to spill the beans. You could no longer be nice and pry, acting innocent. Your sanity comes first.

Your eyes stared intensely at the two coffee mugs steaming from freshness on the dining table. You told Gojo that you'd make him coffee since the batch was enough for two and he took the offer. "He has to go..." You glanced at the bathroom door which was still closed, and you took the opportunity to knock him out.

You sprinted over to your luggage and pulled out a plastic bag of sleeping pills. This will work just fine. It's more efficient compared to using my curse technique. This will keep him out for hours until I'm done with solving the mission. It's not how I wanted it to end but it has to. I don't want Gojo with me while I do this because he's going to be the driving force to stop me and make me think rationally...but there's no other way, not any I can think of.

You poured two pills in your hand. You didn't want to overdo it, causing him to need medical attention. Then you ran to a table and began crushing it in a bowl until it was a fine powder consistency. Your heart raced in anxiety, hoping not to be caught in the action. You transferred it to his cup of coffee, watching the powder go in and carefully listening if the shower stopped. The powder dissolved in the hot temperature and you mixed it afterwards. Your method was extreme but you didn't care. This was your mission, not his.

"Ok, I did it...!" You whispered as you felt calm and reassured you weren't caught red handed. It eased your spiked heart rate because the scary part was over...or that's what you thought.

A grim voice appeared from behind as it caused the hairs on your body to stick up. "What did you pour into the coffee?" Gojo had a suspicion creeping at the back of his head when he quietly opened the bathroom door to grab an item in his luggage and spotted you pouring something in the mug at the corner of his eye. He decided shower time was over and dressed himself to check up on you.

Calm down, y/n. Don't let him know you're nervous and fear being chewed out. What is he going to do? Kill you? No. He'll get mad and may never forgive you which is fine. It'll give him reasons to stop catching feelings. You said to yourself.

Spinning around to face him, you put on a poker face. "Sugar. You don't like sweetness?" You were direct, ensuring any ridges in your voice or actions didn't show.

Gojo's blue eyes intensely focused on the mug behind you. He knew something wasn't right; his gut was telling him. He needed to interrogate you in order to feel satisfied and secure. "No, I do. You know I have a sweet tooth. I'm surprised you got sugar since we ran out on the first day and none of us even got more to refill it. Plus, the station to grab some isn't even open yet. It's still too early. It can't be salt because you'd be insane... So what is it?" His voice was accusatory yet poised like a snake seizing an opportunity to attack at the right moment. In Gojo's view, he couldn't find a crack expression on your face that could expose you despite your body getting sweaty and hot from his prolonged stares.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're not going to drink it then I'll throw it out!" The minute you were going to grab the mug, Gojo pinned your wrist on the table surface as he moved behind you, pressing his large body against yours. You gulped in response and kept your cool. You didn't like where this was heading. You really thought you got away with this but luck wasn't on your side. His chest leaned on your back as his head was beside your right ear. You felt his hot breath setting off a sensitive radar signal and you leaned your head to the left side. Your ears was the only spot that could make you weak and tremble in place as it's a delicate area to be messed with by a lover.

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