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The next morning was very chaotic. Gojo members were running everywhere to speak with their Lord regarding the attack at the Kyoto school. Outside your room you heard rushing feet nonstop.

Rai, wearing his rabbit mask, joined you in your room to have tea. The two of you sat across from each other like usual, sipping the brewed sencha tea Rai made.

"The day is coming up very soon. Are you ready?" Rai asked, knowing very well how hard everyone worked to fight for your innocence and their son's attempted murder. He's glad to be alive because of you.

You sighed with a distressed face wrinkling your skin. "I am but I need it to come sooner!! I need to get out of this mess so I can live a normal life!! I'm tired!!" You felt like this had aged you terribly. You could tell how your body moved and the way your heart beated too.

"It will be just fine! You already have enough evidence to prove yourself. The man is guilty and he knows it. By the way, how were the rose petals I gave you?" Rai hoped it worked perfectly well for you since it does for him. He loved how it turned his skin so smooth and soft, making him feel youthful again. It also aids his calloused hands and feet too.

"Oh, it was really good! It relaxed my muscles and—"

"Is that a hickey on your neck...?!" Rai said out of nowhere when his eyes spotted a noticeable reddish purple mark dead center on the side of your neck. It was the size of a gumball.

Immediately, your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment as your face turned red and your hand slowly covered it so Rai couldn't stare any longer. You didn't know when you got the hickey but it was Gojo who gave it to you when he preyed on you. Flashback hit you like a wrecking ball, playing the makeout scene on replay. Your body temperature rose to the point where you wanted to strip naked to cool off.

"Y/n, you look red. Did something happen?"


The sliding door to your room slammed open, and both you and Rai looked at the door in fright as the sound scared you guys, killing the conversation to see who rudely intruded. His shining blue eyes and white hair already told you guys who it was: Gojo Satoru. Gojo had a long, irritable face like someone woke him up from his beautiful slumber.

"Hey..." You nervously greeted, remembering what happened last night. It felt too surreal and you didn't know what came over you.

Rai stood up from his seat and went over to Gojo and personally greeted him. "Oh! You're Gojo Satoru in the flesh! Lots of people have been talking about you!" He stuck his hand out so they could shake hands but it wasn't happening. Gojo arrogantly stared at Rai's hand in disgust. You didn't know where the animosity came from. Gojo has never met Rai until this very moment barging into your room.

Instead of a handshake, Gojo bluntly went straight to his point. "My father summoned you, Rai. The servants behind me will guide you there." Gojo stepped aside, letting Rai see the two servants behind him.

Rai retracted his hand back, knowing very well Gojo held something against him. He didn't act friendly at all so Rai wasn't going to push it. Rai understood where he stood in this. "Oh, thank you for telling me." Then Rai turned to look at you with a sorry expression that it was cut short. "I guess I'll see you later!"

Rai exited from your room, following the servants to see Lord Gojo which only left you and Gojo alone.

"So," Gojo suddenly spoke up, coming inside your room and closing the door shut. "Why was he in your room?"

You sighed as you sensed his jealousy peaking through. Before you replied back, you chugged your cup of tea and slammed it on the table, staring at Gojo approaching you. "Why're you jealous? Anyone can come in and out of my room. I'm not married, I'm not in a relationship so it shouldn't matter."

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