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Slowly, your eyes peeled open and your blurry vision cleared like a stormy sky settling down and revealing a bright rainbow. Your colored orbs looked left and right to see that you were in the nurse's room. Plain white room with comfy beds but no decorations or window whatsoever. It kind of made you dreary since you couldn't tell what time of day it was or what was the weather?

"God...." You groaned, remembering what happened to you. You couldn't recall much but the important parts like blood loss from the idiotic woman trying to kill herself with your weapon. There was no way in hell you were gonna let her do that with your weapon because you didn't want fingers to be pointed at you if they knew.

"Did they heal or stitch my arm?" Your head rotated to the side, sliding your left arm out from the white blanket. You saw that someone changed you into a gown. "Oh, I guess I was healed then. No mark like I've never been hurt... But who took me here? Can't really remember much." Your arm looked spotless, and the only healer you knew was Shoko which meant you were back at school grounds.

Then someone knocked on your door.


"Come in,"

The door opened, revealing Shoko wearing her white doctor coat as she stepped inside the room. She pulled a chair next to your bed. She leaned back comfortably and gave you answers without having to ask her first. "Wondering how you got here, huh?"

You nodded.

Shoko laughed to herself first, having experienced Gojo's angst during high school. She knew his obvious disliking of you, and she assumed he never got over it until now. "It's been a day since your mission. Gojo was the one who brought you here. From what I was told, a survivor blamed herself for hurting you and called the first person on your recent call list and it was Gojo. He rushed to the scene and took you quickly, leaving the survivor behind because you were dying."

Your eyes narrowed, trying to make sense with this information. Your lips thinned as you spoke, knitting your eyebrows as it wrinkled your forehead. "Wow, I'm surprised he came all the way to take me to you. He really could've had someone else do it for him." You didn't want to think too much of it as he did save you from the spider curse too.

Then a large gasp left your lips, recalling Sukuna's finger. You totally forgot you put that in your pocket. "Where's my pants? I left Sukuna's finger—"

"It's stored away. Don't worry." Shoko reassured, quickly resuming back to the topic again. "Gojo's behavior was odd because I've never seen him so worried in his life before. The color drained from his face and you could hear the fear trickling down his throat. He kicked open my door, demanding me to heal you as you weren't responding to anything." She described the scene to be chaotic and stressful. Gojo kept getting in the way of Shoko's healing hands. He wouldn't stay put in the corner but asked what he could do to help the situation. He was eager for your survival. It came to the point where she kicked him out of the room so she could solely focus on you.

You blinked a few times and uttered some words out. "That doesn't sound like the Gojo I know... When did he start caring about me? Gross." The thought of it caused you to shiver in horror. You couldn't imagine Gojo caring about you not unless it's work related and he has to make sure you're alive. All you could imagine was his nasty behavior towards you during your youth with him. That vile brat learned how to care about you? It's a weird feeling to think about.

Simultaneously, Shoko agreed with your statement. "Right. It doesn't sound like him, but it seems like he's changed. I'm not sure." She shrugged her shoulders since it's hard for her to read Gojo. Though she's been his colleague for many years, Gojo had gone through tough things where she didn't know who the true Gojo was. He had lost himself in the mission with Geto and the star plasma vessel and had to kill Geto last year. "It amazes me how he can release those negative emotions against you and turn it into something good. Yeah, I was told about your history with Gojo during high school." She wanted to make it known that she knew about it for a long time and it wasn't some rumor circulating around the building.

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