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Warning: slight mention of rape

"Mmm..." You groaned, feeling your body wake up to the next morning. Your eyes slowly opened as you felt how puffy the skin around your eyes got. You recalled crying yourself to sleep in Gojo's arms. "I really did sleep in his bed, huh?" You stared at the ceiling. You weren't surprised or mad about it, just groggy.

Scanning your eyes around the room, Gojo was nowhere to be found. Your ears didn't detect running water from his bathroom so you knew he must be somewhere in his estate. "He might be cooking breakfast or something. I don't know... I should get up." You rolled off the bed, landing on your feet as you staggered with your body swinging side to side. "I'll head to the guest bathroom. I'm not going to use his." You didn't want to know what state his bathroom was in because you heard that men's personal bathrooms can be dirty. Although you didn't want to assume Gojo was a slob—he never presented himself to be one and hopefully he wasn't either—you preferred not to know.

Your feet met the cold flooring in the hallway as it sent your body hair flying upwards. "I need socks or slippers! Head faster to the guest bathroom now!!" You bolted to your destination so the cold wouldn't torture your warm body heat.

Arriving at the guest bathroom, you slid open the door as it revealed the dark room. Your hand flipped the light switch on your right side and quickly, the dark room was defeated by bright lights invading the space. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you. The moment you locked the door, you faced yourself in the big mirror and a sharp gasp left your mouth. You were horrified by your appearance.

"Oh my god! MY EYES!! It looks so bad!! I can literally scream right now!!" In the reflection, your eyes were extremely puffy and swollen like you had an allergic reaction. "I look like a bug! An ugly bug at most... It's going to take hours for it to swell down and be normal again. Ughhhhh, this is why I hate crying!!" You hurriedly turned on the sink water, setting it at the coldest temperature possible and got your hands wet. You closed your eyes shut and pressed your icy, wet hands against your puffy skin. Your plan was to compress it so it could reduce the swelling. Obviously, you knew it wouldn't get rid of it instantly but at least, you'll get the process started.

Meanwhile, Gojo finished cooking breakfast and went to find you. On his way to his bedroom, he heard noises from a different part of his estate. It echoed off wall to wall and he had to find out what it was.

"It might be y/n... I know there's nobody in the estate but me and her." Gojo changed his route and followed the noise.

He was led to the guest bathroom where he heard your voice behind the closed door.

"Ughhhh! I look so horrible! Aghhhhh! My eyes! My poor eyes! I look like a bug! I can't go outside looking like this!!"

Gojo heard you moaning and groaning as if you were having a mental breakdown. He wasn't sure if he wanted to interrupt you and tell you food was ready or not. However, he did anyway to get it over with.


His knuckle lightly tapped on the door. "Y/n, food is ready. I'll be at the table first."

Your eyes widened from unexpectedly hearing his voice. You didn't know he was even there and you knew he heard everything. You kind of felt embarrassed. "...okay. I'll be out in a minute."

Then you heard his footsteps retreat.

A sigh left your lips as you shook your head in the mirror. "I need to get it together. It's not even that bad. I'm overreacting. I'm going to eat." You turned off the light and headed to the dining table.

"You finally made it! I was worried you were going to take long. We don't want the food to be cold when you arrive." Gojo jovially announced, seeing you entered. His hand ushered you to come towards him. "Sit beside me! And stop hanging your head low. I want to see your pretty face."

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