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"Fuck!!" You angrily hit your steering wheel as you drove on a dead road. "I'm so stressed!! My brain hurts!! I have less than four hours to revive him with the antidote because I was able to buy an additional poison to replace the one Gakuganji wanted me to use. So of course, I still have the original one he wanted in my backpack and my fucking audio recording because the black market doesn't fuck with paper trails." Then your eyes flickered to your rear view mirror capturing a black car catching up with you. Without a doubt, you knew Gakuganji sent them to watch after you. Neither he or the higher ups wanted the word to spread very quickly about the death of Gojo Satoru.

You contemplated whether you wanted to stop and kill them or speed out of here and try to lose them, but you chose the second option as they could be used as evidence against Gakuganji. You knew you couldn't keep killing people or else maintaining your innocence would start to unravel if the perpetrators were to die after each encounter with you. Being suspicious wasn't an answer you wanted on your literal head.

"Well, catch me if you fucking can!!" You floored the gas pedal as your tire screeched loudly, going above the speed limit. Your destination was the Gojo estate where his parents lived. It's been ages since you last stepped foot in there, and it scared you because you're unsure how this situation will play out. Will they believe you? Will they accuse you? You didn't know, but you did remember they favored you over Kura. Hopefully, they still felt like that towards you.

You aggressively drove on the road like a mad woman. You were a crazy driver that nobody wanted to mess with because they knew an accident was bound to occur. You took sharp turns, took busy roads, and anything you could do to get them off your back.

"I'm hoping the luggage is keeping your head safe! I know without it, you would be braindead." You sighed heavily from your mouth, still hating how you got caught and thrown into this mess. Maybe it's your fault for not telling Gojo but it already happened so you couldn't dwell on it too much. Once Gojo's awake, he can forgive you or stop hanging out with you. It's all on him; it wouldn't hurt you at all. The further he's away, the better it is for you.

Warding off the car, it took 30 minutes for you to lose them so you headed back on the road to the Gojo estate.


The Gojo estate was secluded in a big acre of land where there's no one around but nature. You remembered the place to be fully staffed with tons of servants and security.

With one hand on the wheel, you whipped out your phone and began editing today's audio to make yourself look innocent. It's a dangerous move to do that while driving but you knew no cars would be coming in since this location was only told from word of mouth. So you wouldn't see a random person driving through here even if they were lost. The pendant you wore around your neck was a secret recorder linked to your phone. Any type of evildoing you had to do for Gakuganji, you wore this pendant. You didn't care about manipulating evidence because the higher ups targeted Gojo, not you; they only roped you in through blackmailing. You would've had no stress if this wasn't brought upon you.

"I'm going to fucking ruin you because you guys just wanna use me as a scapegoat if something goes wrong! But I am no dumb person! I will always be equipped and prepared to fight back so you better watch it! The Gojo Clan doesn't play when their head leader is involved!" You were fuming in unnecessary rage, fixing the audio to be as seamless as possible.

When you were getting closer to their estate, you let go one hand off the wheel and reached back to the luggage sitting in the backseat. It was your cue to decay the luggage so it'll be easier to take him out of your car. "Nnnghh!" You stretched your arm to the fullest to reach him as you tried not to rip your eyes off the dirt road whilst keeping the steering wheel in place. Your fingers were dangling to get to the luggage. "Come on!! I don't want to park the car if the luggage isn't that far!" You let your foot off the gas pedal and tried again extending out to your fullest. This second time around, your middle finger grazed the surface of it and automatically caused the luggage to disintegrate into dust. Gojo's body laid peacefully on the backseat.

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