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You clung on Gojo's arm for support as your legs were extremely sore from him putting you in many positions in all rooms in his estate. You got tired after the fourth round doing it outside his backyard. He said sex wasn't over until you guys covered all grounds there was no exception. It's a miracle you're still walking—more like limping with assistance. "Give me a month to recover. You get yourself a sex doll to help you." You exclaimed being at your limit. You couldn't recall what number you guys ended after reaching the final room. Your head was in the clouds, unable to snap back into reality. He fucked you to oblivion.

Instead of getting whiny about it like he always would, his ego was boosted. Gojo giggled, "No man has ever made you feel like this before, huh? I'm glad that I'm the first." His mood was in a good place after this; his heart swelled and he's able to enjoy all the small moments together, it's so great.

"Of course... You're so self centered, I swear." You said in a light hearted tone, unsure how you and Gojo even wound up together. You never had thought your life would change path yet you're satisfied with it.

"So what's your plan?"

"Well... You take me home and I figure out what I'm going to do from there on." You shrugged. Your plate felt so empty now you accomplished your job of taking your family down. You didn't know what to do with your new spare time.

As you two approached your home, you noticed a gift box in front of your door. It surprised you as your eyes lit up, wondering if someone misplaced it because you didn't order anything nor it was your birthday.

"Did you order something?" Gojo asked, piquing his curiosity too.

"Uh, no. Let's check it out."

Getting closer to the box, you noticed how it was a little bigger than the size of a shoebox. It was wrapped nicely in happy birthday wrapping paper and there was a silver bow on the corner.

"Is there a name on it?"

"No," you said, then carelessly grabbed the box and there was a weight to it. You felt stupid for not being cautious about it when handling it because who knew if there was a bomb ready to explode. You looked underneath it to see there was any writing but nothing was on it. "Should I open it?" You glanced at Gojo with a look of eagerness and hesitation to see the content inside.

"Just do it. What's the harm?" Gojo encouraged because he would've done it if he was in your shoes too. "You can just tape it back up." Gojo stood behind you to watch.

"Hmmm, ok." You tore the folded part of the wrapper until it was off, showing the white box underneath. Then you grabbed the lid and pulled it off. The moment the lid hit the ground, you immediately screamed and threw the box away from you. "AHH!!" Your heart leaped from the sudden fear as you were frightened by what you saw.

The box fell at its side and out rolled the heads of Kura and your dad's. Their dead faces had a mortified expression like something or someone had brutally attacked them without warning.

"Oh geez!!" Gojo swiftly wrapped his arms around you and threw you behind his back. He was lost for words. "I know you didn't do that!" He couldn't believe his eyes. Who would've done this? How would have they done it too? The cells were secured with trained, combative guards.

Your hands gripped his jacket tightly as you peaked at the side, still eyeing the decapitated heads. "I... I don't know." This really shook you. You had a gut feeling it was your stalker because who else would know where you lived? You didn't feel safe anymore. What if they came to attack you during your sleep?

"Hey, there's a piece of paper sticking out." Gojo grabbed the paper he saw and brought it over for both of you guys to read. "'They can't ruin your future anymore. I would've sent you your favorite columbine flowers but they were sold out. They must be people's favorite too besides you. Anyways, you're awesome to throw your family into jail!' What the fuck did I just read?" Gojo was flabbergasted by the content. It sounded like a real stalker who knew your life and likings. It made him a bit mad because he's still figuring you out.

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