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"Jesus!! It's too early to cook!" You whined, tiredly chopping tofu on your cutting board. Your sharp knife went through the tofu like butter. If you had more energy, you would be zooming but you didn't so you were taking your time. You had a few more packs to go but you were still on your first one.

Utahime noticed how much you complained about the smallest thing. She shook her head before replying to you. "Y/n, if we don't cook early then we're going to fall behind schedule. I know five in the morning is early but it's not as bad as waking up at four or three. Plus, you got an easy meal making miso soup."

"I know... But my body doesn't adjust well to sleeping in new places so I'm tired." Again, you sliced your tofu carefree as your mind wanted to daze off because it couldn't focus on anything at the moment.

Utahime's task was to cook the seasoned salmon and Gojo, who was also in the kitchen but was eerily quiet, was assigned to cut fruits on the side.

That idiot is particularly silent... He's usually annoying everyone. What's up with him? Utahime said to herself, not wanting to poke the muted lion. She didn't want to create mayhem for herself.

"I suppose but let's get it finished because they'll be coming down soon!" Utahime tried to encourage you to speed it up, and you did try to motivate yourself but it wasn't fully there. This countryside training trip wasn't going to erase the stress in your head: your family, Minato, and Hirata. You couldn't be too hasty or else it'll crumble beneath your feet and you wouldn't have a satisfying ending. If you were going to make them suffer, you needed enough evidence to make them pay.

Then out of nowhere, Gojo laughed out loud like a funny thought tickled his mind. "Utahime, if you need to make her go faster, you better pull me into the conversation because she always gets fired up!! I'm her fuel to convince her to do better." A big smirk tugged his lips as he locked eyes at your figure. You didn't look back at him despite feeling his eyes on you. Whatever he wanted, you weren't going to give in. Out of sight, out of mind was your daily quote.

Gojo dropped what he was doing and suddenly weighed down your shoulders as he threw an arm around you. It forced you to hunch over a little bit and stopped you from cutting your tofu as you still gripped the knife tightly in your hand. You didn't have time for his bullshit as you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes.

"I have a knife in my hand, Gojo. Let me cook in peace... A knife isn't the only thing that will hurt you." You menacingly said, lightly tapping the tip of the blade on your cutting board.

"Okay! Okay! I'll back off!" Gojo let go of you after feeling goosebumps travel up his body. He automatically knew your words meant violence so he'll be a good boy for you. Gojo took a few steps back, still facing you as his hands were in the air. "Your miso better taste good and not taste store bought! You said you're a good cook so show us. You can't let Gordon down!"

"Mmm..." You grunted, having nothing else to say to him.

After breakfast finished and the students came out to eat, you sat at a table far from everyone enjoying the meal. Your mind couldn't help but think about Itadori as you stared at him laughing and smiling with his classmates. You felt sad for him, knowing his life was going to be cut short soon, not because of your sister but because sorcerers want him dead. There's only so much Gojo could do to stop it from reaching him. You recalled reading a report about Itadori and he lost most of his family members. His grandpa died around the time he ate Sukuna's finger and his parents whereabouts were unknown. They might even be dead without anyone's knowledge. You couldn't imagine the fear of being executed because you ate a cursed finger that threatened humanity.

"What's up with your long face?" Gojo's voice vibrated in your eardrums as he sat in front of you noticing how far you were from everyone else.

Your eyes never moved to look at Gojo when he sat. You had to warn him and Itadori about your sister's plan. If you kept it hidden from them, it'd only make things worse. "You know what's sad?"

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