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Your icy eyes glared down at Hirata, who looked miserable and exhausted. Your arms folded as you let out a small scoff. "Still being stubborn? Then so be it. You have nothing to lose and if I can't draw it out from you, I can dispose of you anytime! I can do this with or without you."

Hirata was bloody and beaten, heaving heavily as he tried staying conscious. He endured your torment, taking it like a champ for five days straight. He refused to comply after all, he kept his mouth shut for your dad.

The basement was soundproof so his screams or cries wouldn't be heard. You made sure all the precautions were taken care of. It would be nice to have Hirata alive to prove your dad's action but you did have the paperwork too.

"Have fun being in the dark!" You turned away and walked up the steps to leave the house. You had to meet up with Minato and then go on a weekend training trip with the Kyoto and Tokyo schools. You didn't need to inform Hirata about it since leaving him hope was cruel of you.

"I should shower first! I don't know if I have blood on me!" You skipped to your bathroom, quickly stripping naked and jumping into the warm shower as you rinsed yourself off.

Your head filled with scenarios of what you were going to say to Minato so he could incriminate himself regarding his relationship with Kura. Hopefully, Kenji didn't fail his task and even if he did, you could still get it from Minato by guilt tripping him. If only Gojo didn't get in the way last time, then you would've gotten your information.

After the brisk shower, you grabbed your duffel bag for the training trip and headed out to see Minato. It should be time for him to finish your weapon.

When you arrived at Minato's shop, you pushed the door open as the bell rang above you and announced your presence. "Y/n is hereeeeeee!!"

Scurried footsteps came from the back of the store to the front to greet you. His shining brown eyes gleamed in your direction, happy to see you again. It's been awhile since you dropped by. He sort of missed your presence and appraisal.

"Y/n! It's so nice to see you again! How are you doing?!"

"I've been busy so I didn't get a chance to swing by..." He wouldn't have guessed you kidnapped and tortured a person under your facade. "Today to Sunday is training day for my students so I'll be out of town for a little bit but I decided to swing by since I have time. How's the weapon situation going on so far?"

Minato's lips thinned as he hung his head low in disappointment. "I'm sorry. It's not finished. My project ahead of you has been taking up my time...longer than it should have. Just give me two more weeks and I promise it'll be done!!" Then he shot you puppy eyes, hoping you'll give him another chance.

You paused for a moment, thinking how you'll respond to this. Hmmm... the project he's probably talking about is Kura's. Who else would it be? I'm going to pry! He has to give in after all it's past the due date.

"So whose project is taking more time than mine?"

A look of shock then turned panicked plastered his face. He didn't want to reveal it but your despondent voice said it all. He knew you were holding yourself back from showing your displeasure. "Your sister's... Again, I'm sorry!" He bowed his head, but it didn't satisfy you.

You tilted your head to the side, staring down at him. "So you're taking priority of hers more than mine? My request is different. I thought you would've figured timing...but I guess when you're starting off fresh, two requests are a lot on someone's plate... Maybe asking another person would've been better."

Minato's heart broke from your words. He understood where you were coming from and he didn't want to lose a client either. "No! It's not like that—!"

"Then what is it? What's so important that Kura's project takes over mine? You've already passed the deadline." Although your voice was calm and collected, you wanted to show him how upset you were but you couldn't scare him off. You hoped he'd go on his knees and begged for forgiveness. He messed up and needed to show you how sorry he was.

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