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Your lips quivered looking at your beloved boyfriend of three years in his coffin. He died in a car accident. "We were going to have a big future together but now we can't. We talked about moving in, getting married, and someday having kids with each other but it's all a memory. You taught me so many things. You showed me what it meant to be loved and how to love others...! I love you so much more than you'll ever know!" The tears from your eyes dropped on his cold face. He looked so peaceful after he suffered so much in the hospital trying to fight for his life.

You wiped your droplet off his vertical scarred forehead which he sustained from a biking accident. You recalled how much he laughed about it because he didn't want to remember the incident as traumatic but a lesson to learn. He viewed the world so beautifully compared to you. He believed everything had a meaning to it whether it was good or bad, and he never got upset about it. He was always bright and chirpy, always wanting to learn more. He's the best thing that's ever happened to you, but he's gone and you have to live without him.

"Y/n, I know. Close the casket. We need to bury him, okay?" His mom said, trying to be strong for you and herself though she's in deep despair.

You couldn't pull back from him. Tears swelled and blinded your vision. "I know...! But I can't let go! It hurts so much!!" Your voice cracked into pieces you couldn't put back together. Your heart couldn't stand the immense pain. You felt like dying because you lost a part of yourself with him. You knew he was never coming back from the dead to say how much he loved you and couldn't wait to marry you. Deep down he was your soulmate but fate decided to tear you guys apart.

His mom didn't know what else to say because there's just not, so she hugged you from behind and allowed the two of you to sob it out.

That day, you didn't know if you'd ever recover from your loss and learn how to exist without the man you love. Instead of being depressed, you channeled your emotions into sorcery so you can taunt your clan and make them suffer. Dating your late boyfriend, he stirred you away from your dark thoughts of your clan but now you had to deal with it by yourself.


After 2 years of being a sorcerer, you made your way to the top as a semi-grade 1. Though you never showed your cursed technique, it was best to keep it a secret since it'll cause mayhem. You're strong enough to take curses down using weapons.

"Aghhhhh... I'm exhausted!!" You gasped for air after your kickboxing class ended as you laid on the ground. Your heartbeat rapidly in your rib cage, ready to burst out and run a mile.

You're kind of glad you changed careers because you make a lot of money now. You're able to treat yourself in so many ways that you don't need a man to shower you in gifts. You should've done this much sooner than later in life so you could retire early.

You groaned, turning on your side as you didn't want to get up. Maybe you needed ten more minutes of cooldown before you could get ready to leave. It felt nice to lay and do nothing while your body tried to pull itself back together again. Despite overworking your body, you felt stronger and better than ever.

You pulled your phone from your pocket and a call from Mei Mei buzzed your phone.

"I hope she's not asking me to join her little orgy club...." You recalled how traumatizing it was for you to witness it. So many bodies were on each other, loud moans, and positions you've never seen before made you feel like a Virgin. There's no way you'd join because you're not trying to catch any STD. You knew Mei Mei was a freak but not that freaky. "Hello?" You picked up the call.

"Y/n, you missed the fun a few moments ago." Mei Mei chuckled, hinting that something funny must've happened for her to be in a good mood.

"Uh, what is it? It better not be about the orgy."

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