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"Kura honey, you've been working awfully hard these past few weeks. Why don't you rest?" Kenji worriedly asked, eating breakfast across the table with his wife. Even though he had his own suspicions and concerns, he had to hide it so Kura wouldn't catch on. Their relationship improved just a little bit. They're affectionate with one another but it's not as often as it used to be. Things changed and didn't help as much since Kura indulged herself with work. Kenji didn't wish for it to go back to its normal state, rather he wanted to witness the truth.

Kura munched on her food, barely looking at her own husband's eyes as she focused on the report in her hand. "I can't. I need to concentrate on work. I have a lot to do as head of the clan." Her voice was cutthroat and wasn't sweet as it used to be. She's been more straightforward with Kenji for the past few weeks.

Kenji frowned at her response. He knew he needed to accomplish his part of the deal with you so he had to find time to separate work and life. Physical affection was an option he could take to woo her mind. He hadn't been able to get time because of her work. Kenji couldn't tell if she's using work as an excuse to avoid him, but knowing how she cares about reputation, he'll use it to his advantage and remind her.

Kenji got up from his seat, sliding behind her back as he rubbed her shoulders from any tense knots in her muscles. His lips lowered to her ear and whispered, "Come on, honey. It's been weeks since we did anything fun and romantic with each other. It's been so lonely and I know it's hard for you too. You have to stay away from me, working yourself to the ground to keep the clan prosperous! I'm so proud of you, my love... But you don't want outsiders speculating about us not being together because they know I'm always by your side. Those nasty rumors will hinder all your work and effort..."

The moment Kenji said that, he felt her shoulders tense up. Kura felt threatened by the thought of it, especially when the first person who came into her mind was you. She imagined your smug smile as you insult her; she couldn't allow you to humiliate her.

Oddly enough, this brought a smile to his face. "Why don't we show the public how happy we are? I doubt they've seen us together ever since the incident at the clan's event a few months ago."

Kura gritted her teeth, feeling her soul drench in lighter fluid as it was set to aflame. How couldn't she forget the public accusation and shame she brought to her parents? It ruined her image as it wasn't easy for her to build it back up. You were such a lowlife to target her all because you couldn't let go of the past in her eyes. "Yes, hon... Let's do that. It'll be a nice refresher. I won't make you wait any longer." Kura stiffly turned her head and smiled at her beloved husband. Kenji knew her eyes weren't marked with love but sought out a safety net for herself.

After breakfast, Kenji and Kura went out of the estate together. Kenji's heart raced in anxiety as the thought of asking about her business with Minato scared him. He didn't know whether Kura was going to be truthful about their collaboration or not. Not to mention, they were caught going to a motel together too. It was hard for Kenji not to accuse her of cheating when there's no additional evidence besides the pictures you took.

Joining hands with Kura, Kenji took her to a flower garden to ease her mind. He wanted her to be relaxed before questions were thrown into the air. He knew he should be a good husband and asked how work was since Kura never ranted to him about it. If he brought up work, it might be a good way to bring in his question without looking suspicious.

As they entered inside the flower garden, the whiff of sweet floral flowers flowed around them and the various bright colors greeted them. There were rows of flower beds to visit.

"It's beautiful, right?" Kenji commented, enjoying the scenery.

"It is." Kura unenthusiastically replied as she followed Kenji's lead. She didn't care much about flowers. This wouldn't have been her first pick to visit but it's her husband's choice so she'll suck it up.

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