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The glistening ocean tides moved up and down on the sandy shore. The songs of seagulls chirping and the waves soothed your soul, making you feel peaceful. You laid under the big umbrella on your beach towel.

"Awww babe, why aren't you in the water with me and the students?" Gojo approached you with his wet hair framing his face and droplets of water rolling down his arms and chest. He wore his black swim trunks and flexed his muscular build to anyone present on the beach. His feet collected wet sand as he crouched beside your figure. A small pout frowned on his handsome face. Gojo took you out because you wanted to be by the ocean, so he assumed you would swim with him yet you're relaxing.

You pushed your sunglasses up into your hair and locked eyes with him. "I'm not ready to swim yet. It's a nice hot temperature where I can just lay down. It's not the temperature where I wanna jump into a pool of freezing cold water!!"

"Can't you show off the bikini I got you? It makes you look sexy!"

"...show off to who? The students? No, thanks. I'm not going to jail for that. I have morals. Plus, you rented out this whole beach so I can't show it off like you want me to."

"You're no fun!!!" Gojo whined then pecked a kiss on your lips.

"If you're not going back in the water, put sunblock on me. After that I'll join you in the water." You offered him a deal he couldn't refuse as one: he loves touching your body and two: you'll swim with him and play around with the students.

Of course, Gojo wasn't going to turn down this opportunity. He felt happy you wanted him to touch you in a public setting over private. His big smile beamed on his face as he grabbed the sunblock and squeezed it into his hand. The clump of white lotion filled his palm.

"Back first? Or front?"

"Front since I'm already in it." You flatten your arms down and let him do his thing. You didn't need to worry if he misbehaved because he wouldn't and closed your eyes.

When Gojo saw your closed eyes, he had a mischievous idea. Luckily a big sandcastle obstructed the view of you guys, so he could get away with anything he wanted. However, he first had to get rid of the lotion in his hand. Gojo divided the sunblock on your arms, chest, stomach, thighs, and shins.

His hands started at your shins. It wasn't anything fun he could do at that part. Then he moved to your thighs where he lifted one leg in the air, spreading it to the back of your thigh. His hands kneaded your muscles, crawling all the way up to your inner thigh where you became sensitive down there.

"Mmm...!" Your face scrunched up as you knew what he was up to. His hands working at your inner thigh aroused you, but you didn't appreciate this act in public. "Satoru, quit it. Finish putting the lotion on!" You scolded him and you heard a sigh leave his disappointed lips.

"Okay, okay...." This didn't discourage him. He knew how to make you succumb to his desire. The arms and stomach were done, and the last one was your chest. Your triangle swim top was in the way of your precious boobs he loved. But before he got to touching them, he innocently rubbed the lotion above your breast, between your breast, at the side of them, and underneath them.

You believed Gojo wasn't going to do another stunt but he did. He pushed your bikini top above your breast and his fingers clamped on your left nipple, twisting and pulling it while his other hand squeezed your right boob and sucked on it. In response, your eyes widened, your toes curled from pleasure, and your hands gripped his semi wet hair.

"Satoruuuuuuu!!!" You hissed, feeling embarrassed and scared. "I'm going to—"

However, it ended before the good stuff even started...

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