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The weekend training trip ended on a good note. Your warning to Itadori fired up everyone who cares about him, which you were glad to witness. It's a beautiful sight to know he transformed from being a stranger to a beloved friend. He wasn't alone; people wanted to protect him.

You sighed, having your hands on your hips as you didn't know why Gojo followed you all the way to your house. You didn't want him inside because of your prisoner. He may or may not ignore the unknown cursed energy in the house.

Glancing over your shoulder, you stared hard at him as your eyebrows scrunched. "You could've just met me at Minato's shop, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know but I think I need more rehearsals when it comes to faking a trust bond with Minato." Gojo said in a soft tone as this was very important to you. He didn't want to mess it up. "He's helping Kura create a weapon to kill Itadori so I have to make this perfect. We don't know if it's intentional or not but we're going to find out." He patted your back, ushering you to follow him because he was going to lead the way. "Let's go!" He waved and continued walking ahead and out of your property.

Your head tilted to the side as you were a bit confused, standing in place still. "Are you sure you know the way? I've been there plenty of times. Maybe you should be following me?" You pushed yourself to catch up with him or you'll be left behind. Your legs jogged a few feet ahead, reaching Gojo's side.

A little smile appeared on Gojo's pink lips as he glanced down at you. "I remember the location by heart! Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy ourselves until we reach our destination."

You two walked beside one another, embracing the silence. The only reason you're visiting Minato was because he gave you a call about your weapon. He didn't give much information but you were curious to check it out in person.

"Oh, a donut shop!" You mumbled to yourself, getting sidetracked as you wandered off to the shop and forgetting Gojo was with you.

Gojo's brows shot up in confusion. "Y/n!?" He scurried after you so he wouldn't lose you. He didn't know what lured you in but he was going to find out.

You pushed past the door and stood in front of the plastic glass cover, gazing at the various donuts displayed. It watered your mouth as you swallowed down your spit. It smelled so fresh in your nostrils which was the reason why it attracted you here in the first place. You couldn't wait to eat it and fill your stomach.

"You're a fast runner with your little legs." Gojo jokingly said, looming behind you like the tall giant he was.

You disregarded his words because you weren't letting your feathers get ruffled and ruined your mood eating donuts. It wasn't good for your heart and body if you allowed him to irk you all the time over the smallest thing. You needed to calm down as you knew Gojo will forever be glued to you.

"You're a little slow with long legs." You looked over your shoulder and smirked at him. "You better catch up to speed with me because I might outrun you in any race."

Gojo couldn't help but laugh, gleaming a satisfied smile on his lips. He loved when you talked back to him. It made things more exciting and interesting. "Well, let's join a marathon and see who wins."

Then you resumed back to the donuts as you got closer and thought about what you wanted. "Hmmm... I don't know which flavor I should choose... What would you pick, Gojo?" You asked for his opinion since you wanted all but you knew it wasn't a good idea to take one of each flavors displayed.

Gojo scooted beside you and glanced at all the options he could choose too. Though he wasn't craving it at the moment, it was an easy thing for him to do after all, he loves sweets. "I'd say all."

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