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During lunch, you sipped on your sweet iced tea in the teacher lounge, scrolling on your social media accounts. You watched short funny videos or listened to people's life stories and asked if they were assholes. It amazed you how crazy situations could occur in real life.

"Yes, you're the asshole because—" Before you could say your opinion out loud, someone called your name from behind.


You looked over your shoulder to find it was Gojo. You had a plain expression, waiting for him to announce why he's here and what he wanted from you. You hoped it's work related. If not then you're not interested.

Gojo moved closer to you. "This is for you on the behalf of the other staff here!" He presented a 6 inch cake that was decorated in yellow frosting with flowers, other shapes, and written 'welcome' on it.

"Oh!" Your eyes widened and mouth gaped. "That's so cute!" You carefully wrapped your hands underneath the sealed cake, swapping owners and sitting it on your lap. You felt touched by the staff's thoughtfulness as you couldn't take your eyes off it. "This is sweet. Thank you. I appreciate this!" Glancing back at Gojo, you gave him a tight lipped, awkward smile. It would've been easier if someone else had presented it to you than Gojo. "I'll eat this later."

When the conversation should've ended, it didn't end because Gojo decided to turn into stone and stared back at you without saying a word. Your shifty eyes darted at him to the cake, back to him and to your phone. You didn't have time to deal with his odd behavior and chose to ignore it. However in reality, Gojo didn't know how to interact with you. It felt like he befriended a door. It'll open moments when it's ready to mingle but shut in his face at any given time. He knew whatever he said that's not work related was going to backfire. The cake was an excuse for you to give him your full attention and believe his white lie. It's now or never to blurt his feelings.

"I wanna make it up to you! I want to show you that I've become a better person! I don't like this hostility between us. Please give me a chance!" Gojo pleaded since he couldn't sleep with the thought of you knowing he was an asshole back then. He wanted to let you know that time changed him and he matured. A clean slate would be a nice beginning as he's desperate to redeem himself.

A deep sigh slipped from your lips, scratching your head. "Are you gonna keep pestering me til I say yes? Even though I stated I want nothing to do with you yesterday?"

"Yeah, that's the plan." Gojo said nonchalantly.

You didn't like the idea of being annoyed 24/7. Plus, he stated he would pester you. Maybe you'll comply to avoid rapidly aging due to stress and play along until you steered him off your case. Simply, you had no choice as long as you guys were colleagues and in the same vicinity. It's not going to change what you feel despise pleasing him. "Though I disagree how this is all suddenly on your mind, do whatever makes you feel happier on your end because I don't care!"

"But can't you at least participate and allow us to see positive changes? Just don't be heavy handed about shutting me out because I'm genuinely sorry for everything." Gojo hoped you'd comply instead of fighting him. He knew it's too late and you would rather toss it to the side, but he couldn't help it if he's constantly seeing you.

Another painful sigh trickled out, seeing how futile it was to step away. You couldn't run away from Gojo as long as you were still a sorcerer in Japan. You blurted words you didn't mean to say but it came out because of his nagging. "Fine. I'll do my best to cooperate and give us a new prosperous friendship-relationship whatever you want to call it. We'll see if I can try to stop holding the past so tightly on me when I see you. Take me to the bar and we'll start from there." Once you realized what you said, you hated yourself for giving in. Now, you couldn't take it back because it was too late. It was set in stone, giving Gojo your words.

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