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The next morning, you woke up to the smell of cooking eggs. Your eyes peeled open as your vision still blurred. At the same time, you rolled yourself on your knees as your heavy head laid flat on the cold ground. You were aware that this wasn't a bed but the hardwood floors.

Damnit. Fuck hangovers. Where am I? You asked yourself since you couldn't force your brain to remember anything. It was weak and tired to do so.

"Y/n, you're finally awake!" The cheery voice of Gojo instantly woke you up as your eyes widened and you flipped around. In Gojo's view, it seemed like he scared you or something because he saw terror and confusion written all over your face. It's a funny look he wished to take a picture of.

Your brows scrunched, turning your head in all directions and realizing this wasn't your house. Your point finger extended and shook in fury at Gojo as your emotions were high and mixed.

"Woah! Y/n! Calm down! Let me explain!" Gojo grasped the intensity of the sudden awakening and ran over to you.

Before you could blurt curses at him from the assumption in your head, you received the backhand of your gagging reflexes coming in as you covered your mouth. The toxins in your stomach wanted to greet you after the long night at the bar.

"To the bathroom!" Gojo dragged you to the spare bathroom for you to throw up.

The sounds of you vomiting made him want to vomit so he stood at the doorway, allowing you to do your thing. Gojo thought it was the right time to explain why you're here. "I'll recap what happened last night..." He told you the whole story about the spider woman then pointed out he had no choice to bring you back here. "Look, you're still wearing your nasty clothes from last night. You look like a mess so go shower!"

You paused for a moment and glared at Gojo for his unnecessary rudeness. "Boy... Just let me be right now... I feel like shit!" You didn't have the energy to combat him. Puking drained you.

Gojo sighed, backing away to let you do your sober clean up routine. "Okay, okay! I'll leave spare clothes outside the bathroom to change into then come grab breakfast."

When Gojo shut the door, you puked a little longer until you felt a bit better. It didn't completely wash your hangover away but lightened it to a degree.

"At least, he's being nice enough to let me clean myself and give me clothes..." You sniffed your shirt and smelled the foul odor, causing you to gag too. Now, you can't get mad at him for calling you nasty. If someone smelled like that too, you would be upfront about it. "I pray to god the spare clothes aren't his..."

You turned on the shower faucet and let the water run so it could get warm. Then you stepped inside and started rinsing your skin. You didn't care if there's body wash or shampoo and conditioner in the guest bathroom because you were already uncomfortable to be here. All you worried about was smelling bad.

After the brisk shower, you dried your hair till it was damp enough where it could come close to being dry and hid behind the door to get the spare clothes. Though you had the towel wrapped around your body, you were still conscious about everything since it's not your house and you didn't know if he had servants roaming either.


You slowly pulled the door back and popped your head out, looking at the hallway to find it empty and quiet. "Okay, good..." On the ground was a folded forest green yukata. You thought his choice of fashion wasn't bad at all. It's way better than wearing his clothes, but you hoped this wasn't worn by anyone or it's someone else's like a hook up. "I'll throw my clothes in his dryer and washer if he'll let me."

Shutting the door behind yourself, you slid the expensive fabric on your naked body. It felt so smooth and silky rubbing against your skin. It's been a long time since you've worn one. After leaving your clan, you never touched any traditional garments as it reminded you of your past. However, your hands didn't forget how to secure it on your body.

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