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It was the last day of the weekend trip with the girls and everyone was in the hot spring. Luckily for you, all of Gojo's love marks disappeared from your skin. You didn't want to receive an earful from Utahime and Mei Mei, asking why you're back with your jackass ex fiancé, but you couldn't answer because you don't know either.

The hot water felt so great, feeling like a blanket hugged you no matter where you moved. You were also glad that steam lingered densely in the air so nobody could fully see each other naked. It made you happy in cases like hickeys marking your body.

"Ah... After this, I'm going to be busy with so many missions but that's okay. They're paying me lots of money so I can't turn it down." Mei Mei laughed through her complaint. She couldn't say no to money, especially when they're paying above her expectations.

Utahime commented too. "I take missions here and there now but like I said, it's my students who are taking it all. I feel bad for them. This year feels like a horrible year for everyone." She rolled her head around in a circle to break the tension at her neck.

"Don't be talking. I do all the healing here!" Shoko interjected because she's the one who's going to be wiped out at the end of the day. If sorcerers could master reverse cursed technique then it would be amazing. Her numbers would grow less each day.

"Y/n, I heard Naoya's dad is contemplating whether he wants his son to marry you." Mei Mei brought up.

You groaned in agony, hearing his name only brought pain to your ears. It's been a hot minute since you forgot about him and the stunt he was going to pull. "Let's not talk about that motherfucker. I hate him. His dad can count me out. I'll never settle for a shitty guy..."

A sly smile appeared on Mei Mei's face. "Then what about Gojo? You two have been glued together since the day you started working at the school."

Shoko made eye contact with you as you briefly glanced at her but then looked back at Mei Mei. You kept a calm demeanor despite your racing heart. There's no room for errors. "We have a long history together. We're cordial now, isn't that great?"

Utahime commented, "I can never have a cordial relationship with him. He gets under my skin on purpose so I can't stand him! The only time we'll be on good speaking terms is when it's a serious topic. Other than that, I refuse to be near him!" She huffed, sinking down in the water to cool off her head. The thought of Gojo gave her headaches.

Ring ring!!

Someone's phone rang off and everyone looked at each other.

"I didn't bring my phone." Shoko said.

"Neither did I." Utahime implied.

"I did, but it's not mine." Mei Mei showed her blank screen to everyone.

"Then it's mine." You sighed, wondering who it could be. Turning around and moving to the edge of the hot spring, you flipped your phone over to see who was calling. It was an unknown number. "Well, it's a number I don't know. Should I answer it?" You asked the girls as you weren't willing to pick it up. The unknown number gave you a sense of dread in your stomach.

"Just go for it. If it's a scam then hang up." Utahime said as she was curious too now.

You shook off your wet hand as water particles flew. You needed to make sure your fingers were less watery or else touching the screen won't work. Your finger swiped on the green button, leaving a trace of water behind then you put it against your ear. "Hello?"

"Y/n! My dear y/n!" You recognized that voice. It was your mom.

Your jaw dropped and you stared at the girls, covering your phone for a minute. "It's my mom!"

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