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On the weekend, you decided to go shopping since you got paid. You might or might not buy anything. It all depended if you actually needed the item. You're a picky buyer since you always ask yourself whether you'll use or wear it more often than not. It hurts you to be an impulsive buyer and leave it in the closet to collect dust.

You dressed in casual clothes and put on your sunglasses, walking out of the house to the train station.

It was nice outside as it wasn't scorching hot but bearable. At least, the wind wanted to come out and play to balance the temperature out. Your hands were in your pockets as you made your way there. Luckily for you, it's a 10 minute walk to the train station. If it was longer than that, then you're better off taking a taxi to the mall instead.

At the train station, you paid for your ticket and got on the right train. You sat in your seat quietly as it moved to the next station. It was crowded but not too crowded where people were shoulder to shoulder and breathed the same air as the person in front of them. You dazed out in the quietness, feeling the train tracks gliding underneath you.

Finally the train stopped at the right destination and you got out with a lot of people behind you, going on foot to the mall which was about a few blocks away from this place.

The entrance of the mall was busy since no kids were in school and people had the free time to do whatever they wanted on a Saturday.

"Oh god. I hope it's not too crowded...." You didn't mind being around a lot of people to a certain extent but sometimes it's nice to have space around you. Also, you hated the thought of a human tsunami where you would die underneath people crushing on top of you if something bad were to occur and scare others.

Then your stomach growled so you decided to hit the food court. The mall wouldn't disappoint since it's the heart of the building. You were bound to find something you'd want.

As you entered the food court, at the corner of your eye, you spotted your students: Fushiguro and Kugisaki. They were eating with a desolated expression weighing their faces down like they were hypnotized to repeat their action despite their dismay.

"Where's the other kid?" You recalled always seeing the trios of the first years together like three peas in one pod. However, looking back from the last two days, you haven't seen Itadori in your class. Nobody spoke up about why he's absent in class. You just assumed he could be sick. Now, it was your time to ask them.

Making your way to your students, they sensed your presence nearing their table and turned to look in your direction.

"Sensei? What are you doing here?" Kugisaki asked, still keeping her downcasted face as her voice sounded meek. They weren't surprised to see you.

You folded your arms and arched your brow. "Because it's a mall, that's why. What's up with the long face? Where's Itadori? Isn't he always with you guys?"

Fushiguro remarked with a hint of sarcasm yet it sounded drained. "Aren't you the teacher? Aren't you supposed to know everything about your own students like what happened to them?" He believed you should know what happened to Itadori since you're the one who has a class to teach. Teachers should be alerted before the students do.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be asking you guys if I didn't know. So what? Is he sick? Is that why he hasn't shown up?"

A heavy silence fell upon you guys and it caused your stomach to knot in anticipation.

"He's dead, sensei..." Kugisaki muttered, unable to look you in the eyes.

You blinked a couple of times, processing her words. It caused you to be in denial as your brain couldn't wrap around it. It didn't make sense. Itadori was an inhumanly strong kid. "H-how? When did this happen? Why wasn't I informed?! Oh my gosh!" You face palmed yourself, feeling like a complete loser in this. It annoyed you how you weren't told of Itadori's passing and you had to find out later. You didn't know if you looked and sounded like an asshole for not asking about Itadori's whereabouts and assuming he was sick.

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