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"Y/n, you know physical assault is useless against me!" Gojo laughed, putting up his barrier as his two fingers twisted together. He came to annoy you and he couldn't receive the bad end of the stick because you're weaker than him.

Your hands bunched in your hair, ready to rip out your colored locks you've worked so hard to grow out. "Ugh! You're driving me crazy!" You leaned back in your office chair. "Do you really think I wanna go on a date with a man like you? Not really. You're pushing my luck!"

Immediately, Gojo's persona changed to fit your standard. He turned off his barrier and sat elegantly in the chair in front of you. Of course he wanted to please you, but he couldn't help but be a little tease because it's fun to get a reaction out of you. "Nope! Today I, Gojo Satoru, will not push my luck with you!" You still hadn't brought up anything regarding the date and it's been a week now. He was getting a little bit impatient as he wanted to impress you.

You chuckled, staring at him as your forearms laid against the wooden desk and you hunched forward. "Mmm. I better see it. I'm tired of handling a man-child around me. You drain me."

Suddenly, a voice entered into the conversation as they leaned on the metal doorway. "Man-child, huh? I guess my soon-to-be fiancée won't have to worry about that." You recognized the arrogant voice. It's Naoya Zenin.

Both you and Gojo whipped your head at the door, and a big smirk drew Naoya's lips apart. Neither you or Gojo expected him to be here.

"Soon-to-be fiancée?" You both said in confusion, forgetting about the rumored marriage.

"Of course, you!" Naoya pointed his finger at you. "Did you not hear that we're going to get married?!" He was disappointed in you because you out of all people should've known.

Gojo snickered in disrespect, finding this hilarious. "I thought it was a joke when I heard it!"

"So did I. We even laughed about it together!" You vividly recalled the big laughs exchanged between you and Gojo. It was actually fun and felt nice to let out.

You and Gojo giggled as it lingered at the back of your head.

On the other hand, Naoya was fuming in rage. How dare you and Gojo laugh about the marriage rumor? It wasn't anything funny. It's supposed to be joyful news yet you guys downplayed it. Naoya's face was red and he huffed aggressively from his nostrils.

"It's not funny! My father arranged this with your father, y/n! You don't have a choice!" Naoya raised his voice at you, causing you to furrow your brows in disgust.

"You do know that I left my clan right? My parents have no say to my marriage decisions. They can't overrule my answer." You stuck your tongue out at him. "I'd rather marry this jackass right here." You pointed at Gojo, who had a stunned look on his face as you referred him to a jackass. "I'd pick him over you any day and I mean it!"

You knew it would be a miserable life if you married into the Zenin Clan. You wouldn't be treated fairly and only be seen as a baby maker. The heavy expectations would drown you and might cause you to lose your sanity.

Meanwhile, your words boosted Gojo's ego as it flattered him hearing you say that in front of Naoya's nasty face. Gojo was a little too happy to say the least. He showed it on his jovial face. "Well, if that's the case then do you want me to buy you a ring and make it official?" Gojo said half jokingly, half serious to test you. Although he knew the answer was no, he also wanted to infuriate Naoya for thinking he could steal you away from him.

Naoya scoffed at Gojo's attempt to sway your heart. "As if!! You're the one who abandoned her at the wedding!!"

"Whatever dude. She's going to abandon you at the wedding this time!" Gojo rolled his eyes. Even if Gojo was a girl, he wouldn't want to settle down with Naoya either.

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