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Day 1 of staying at the island was alright, nothing too eventful for you to lurk around and investigate. Day 2 was today so you needed to create bonds with the community so you were able to uncover their secret and get to the bottom of it.

"Oh my gosh, my body hurts!" You groaned, slouching in a chair. Your muscles ache and need to be massaged with good hands, unknotting all the tension in your back, shoulders, legs, and arms. Sleeping in the same bed as Gojo wasn't ideal. The bed wasn't big enough for the two of you though it's a queen size bed.

Gojo yawned in his pjs, springing up like a Disney princess waking up from their beautiful slumber. He stretched his arms outwards after he sat up. He groaned before fluttering his eyes in your direction. "Good morning to you! I slept well! I didn't think the bed would be so spacious considering I have a king size bed."

You scoffed, shaking your head. If he knew what he did last night, he wouldn't be saying this. You pushed your hair back before correcting him. "You know why it's spacious? Because you kicked me off the bed!! I kid you not. I had to fight for my side of the bed when we both agreed to stay sleeping on the left or right side. I barely got any sleep. Let alone, my body aches because of you. Be lucky I don't have bruises or else I would show everyone the prize you put on me." You didn't mind framing Gojo as it wouldn't create a dent in his reputation. It would only be a small hurdle to overcome then he would be good as new.

"Y/n, you're so evil! I would never lay a hand on a woman. You know, I'm still shocked how you got jealous. I didn't know you carried that emotion." Gojo dealt with jealous women before and always dismissed them, but when it came to you, he didn't know you had it in you.

"Oh shut up! Some emotions just can't be handled alright? I don't need to hear you talking when you've never been in a relationship before. Don't act like you know how it's run." You got up from your seat and walked to your suitcase, grabbing your sun hat to pair with your white linen a-line dress that was midi length with short puffy arm sleeves.

Gojo decided to get ready too since you already were. He pushed himself off the bed and purposely bumped into you crouching down and zipping the suitcase back up. You almost tipped over but regained your balance as you had an irate look on your face. He laughed at your usual facial response. Gojo felt immune to your daggering eyes because you wouldn't even dare to harm him.

"Well, y/n. It's really easy to play the role. You watch it on tv and read it in books. You think we're not pulling it off well enough? I think we are. You just need to loosen up and enjoy this while it lasts." Gojo brushed his hair out of his face then shot you a morbid look. "Because we don't know what the fate of these people will receive once we finish our mission."

"Right. Knowing the higher ups, they might die. They've already been exposed, but who knows what's going to happen. We will have to wait and see." It's a bitter thing to think about as you didn't want to jump to conclusions. However, before you make your final verdict, you must gather information from everyone. They must have a reason to use tourists for meals. "I'll be out there. See you in a bit."

You got out of the hut and gave Gojo alone time to get dressed by himself.


"Oooo! This somewhat strong wind will blow my hat away!" You pulled down on the rim of your sun hat so it wouldn't fly off your head. You didn't know it could be this windy in the morning, but you shouldn't complain as the temperature would soon rise in the afternoon.

In your surroundings, adults were interacting with other adults and having a good time as children were playing with each other. Laughters and bird chirps filled your eardrums. Everyone looked jovial, taking care of one another. Your eyes scanned the area and couldn't find any other tourists. It seemed like you and Gojo were the only ones on the island. It was pretty easy to detect who's an islander and who wasn't. Islanders all wore similar earthy tone colors and had at least a few pattern tops or bottoms. The patterns were significant to their culture as you've never seen it before, not even on the internet.

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