Chapter 2

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After a few minutes Crystal's phone beeps

Jazzy: [excited] soooo... what'd he say?

Crystal: [scoffs] he thinks I'm dating Devale

Kayla: [shocked] why tf would he think that?

Crystal shows them the text that reads " Hey, is your nigga Devil cool with you texting me at this time?"

Kayla: [laughs] omggg not he said his name is Devil

Jazzy: [laughs] I mean he's not wrong! Lol that nigga stringed you along for two years! Real devilsih behavior if you ask me [chuckles]

Crystal: [sad] yall this shit ain't funny! Devale really messed this up for me

Jazzy: sis come on its not that serious, just tell him that ain't your nigga- simple!

Crystal: [texts back] okay he replied, he wants us to go out tomorrow.

The girls all look at each and scream for joy...

Jazzy: tell him to meet you at club Infinity

Kayla: [chuckles] girl who tf has a first date at a club? It's finna be loud asf

Jazzy: it's not a date yet, more like a meet n greet! We gotta vet him first, I mean he could be a psycho killer for all we know [chuckles]

Crystal: [laughs] girl CSI has definitely been messing with your head!

Kayla: Crys she's right, rather be safe than sorry.

Crystal: [sighs] okay fine! I'll text him the details- good night yall, I got press tomorrow.

》The next day 》

Eva: good morning Ms Hayslett, here's your morning coffee and the agenda for today

Crystal: [chuckles] girl why so formal? I told you to call me Crystal

Eva: I'm sorry, I still haven't fully come to terms with the fact that I work for thee Crystal Renée

Crystal: [smiles] believe it boo! You earned this position!

Eva: [smiles] thank you Ms Hays- I mean Crystal. Anyway, uhm you have a packed schedule today. I spoke to Jerry (the driver) the car's full of gas to drive you to the numerous destinations and Liz (makeup) will also be on call all day

Crystal: [sighs] thnx, so where we going first?

Eva: the Sherri Shepard show, it's a joint interview for you and Devale

Crystal: [rolls eyes] do I have any solo interviews on the agenda? Lord knows I can't deal with seeing that nigga at all of them!

Eva: [chuckles] I thought yall were besties?! Anyway, you only have 2 with him- the rest are solo.

Crystal: [deep breathe] oh thank God! Okay you can call in Liz to get started on my makeup

Eva: [panic] ohhh shit! I just realized I forgot to tell you, Riley (wardrobe) won't make it- something about a sick child.

Crystal: okay don't panic! You know I used to be a stylist right? I'll just style myself.

|Sherri show- backstage|

Guy: alright yall we're going live in 15 min *walks away*

Devale: [walks closer] hey baby, you looks sexy asf in that dress

Crystal: thanks. And please don't call me that- what if someone hears you?

Devale: [chuckles] relax, people are too busy minding their business.

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