Chapter 44

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|Crystal's place- Bedroom|

Crystal: [moaning] shiiiit, I'm bout to cum

Devale: -stops thrusting-

Crystal: [breathing heavy] what the fuck!? Why'd you stop?

Devale: I need you to hear my condition before I give you what you want

Crystal: [scoffs] Devale for the millionth time I said yes!! Now please stop playing and get back to work

Devale: [smiles] okay -slowly thrusting- you promise your answer is yes? No going back?

Crystal: [moaning] mmh yess

Devale thrusts into her at a faster pace and they both cum at the same time. He pulls out and lays beside her while Crystal wraps her uninjured leg around him...

Crystal: [trying to regain her breath] damnnnn boy

Devale: [chuckles] you liked it didn't you?

Crystal: I more than liked it -kisses his lips- I loved it! You know what that Henny breath does to me

Devale: [smiles] I knew what I was doing

Crystal: [chuckles] -gets on top of him and starts kissing him-

Devale: ohh you tryna go for another round?

Crystal: [smiles and nods]

Devale flips them over so that Crystal is laying on her back and he's hovering over her, giving her hickies...

Crystal: [pushing his chest] wait wait, stop!!! Did you hear that?

Devale: yeah that's daddy dick letting you know he's ready for you [chuckles]

Crystal: Devale I'm serious! I think someone is in the hous-

Jazzy: [yelling from downstairs] Crystal where the hell are you?! I'm coming up

Crystal: [pushes Devale off] shit shit -grabs her robe from the side table- why are you just laying there?! Get up and get dressed!!

Devale: [nonchalant] no

Crystal: what?! D I'm not fuckin playing with you! Get up!! I'm deadass serious!!!

Devale: I'm deadass too!!! I'm not going anywhere Crystal

Crystal: [begging] D pleaseee, what if she's with Luka? He can't know about this

Devale: welp... this is the condition you agreed to

Crystal: I'm sorry what?

Jazzy tries to open the bedroom door but Crystal quickly limps to it and presses her body against the door

Jazzy: [laughs] girl what the hell you got going on? Let me in!!!

Crystal: Jazzy how'd you even get in

Jazzy: duh we have keys to each other's places

Crystal: we? So you're not alone?

Jazzy: yeah, Kayla went to buy us some takeout, she'll be back soon. Crystal why are we even talking behind closed doors? -tries to open-

Crystal: [hesitant] uhh... I'm not decent, please just wait for me downstairs I'll be there soon

Jazzy: you're acting really weird but whatever, don't take too long -goes back downstairs-

Devale: [laughs] yo you're really doing the most!!! You damn near broke your other leg tryna keep that door shut! Meanwhile my car is literally parked outside and there's two glasses on the table... Jazzy is a lot of things but she's not dumb, I'm sure she's already figured it out

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