Chapter 49

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|The mall|

-all walking out the cinema-

Janae: thank you for spending the day with me TT, I loved the movie!!

Crystal: [smiles] you're welcome princess and thank you for allowing your mommy to come with us

Morgan: [smiles] yes thank you baby! I had lots of fun

Janae: [scoffs] don't thank me, thank auntie Crys. I didn't want you to come but she promised me ice-cream

Morgan: [chuckles] girl you bribed her with ice-cream?

Crystal: [nods]

Morgan: not gonna lie I'm kinda sad you're leaving tomorrow, you're a handful but I still love you [chuckles]

Janae: [hyper] TT can we go to the ice-cream store now!!? -pointing- look they have my favorite, strawberry flavor

Crystal: okay baby let's go, but I need you to calm down okay

Morgan: right!? It's almost 7:00PM and she's so hyperactive

-standing in the ice-cream queue-

Cashier: hi, welcome to Frozen Treats... what would you like to order?

Janae: [shouts] ice-cream!! ice-cream!!

Cashier: what flavor?

Janae: strawberry!!!!

Cashier: aww I'm sorry cutie we're all out on that one

Janae: -throws a tantrum, starts crying yelling-

Morgan: -picks her up- uhm sorry about that. Can you recommend a substitute to the strawberry flavor?

Cashier: yeah, we have raspberry... it even tastes better than the strawberry in my opinion

Morgan: -still consoling Janae- yeah we'll take that one in a cup please and 2 vanilla cups

Cashier: okay, cash or card?

Crystal: [takes out her card and swipes it]

Cashier: your order will be ready in 5min

Crystal: thank you

Janae: [still crying loudly, she's even started hyperventilating]

Morgan: [rocking her] baby please calm down, I spoke to them and they're gonna make a strawberry ice-cream specially for you

Janae: [starts to calm down] is it gonna be pink?

Morgan: yes baby

Janae: [stops crying, smiles] okay mommy!! Can I please play games on your phone

Morgan: [gives her the phone]

Crystal: whew chile the theatrics!!! And yall heffas wonder why I don't want NO kids?! [chuckles] this is why!! I can handle a lot of things just not tantrums

Morgan: bitch I thought we already established that your ass is pregnant!!? Pleaseee don't tell me you're still in denial [sighs] I stayed away for 3 days hoping you'd come to terms with it

Crystal: [rolls eyes] Morgan I told you I'm not fuckin pregnant!!! Damn how many times do I gotta say it?

Morgan: well how about you shut me up once and for all

Crystal: [confused] huh?

Morgan: [points to the pharmacy store across them]

Crystal: you think I should see a Dr?

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