Chapter 14

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|Crystal's place |

Eva: [walks in] hey girl I stopped by Starbucks and grabbed your favorite drink

Crystal: [smiles] you're heaven sent!! You have no idea how much I needed this after the morning I just had

Eva: you wanna talk about it?

Crystal: mhmm not really

Eva: okay no pressure! So uhm I have the final guest list of everyone who RSVPd

Crystal: perfect! So how many guests is it in total?

Eva: around 200, 10 seats per table.

Crystal: damnnn that many??!

Eva: yes girl, the people clearly love them some Crystal Renée

Crystal: [looking over the list] you know what, I think we can scrap the whole of table 15

Eva: [shocked] the Ellis family???!

Crystal: yeah

Eva: may I speak out of turn and you're more than welcome to cuss my ass out

Crystal: [chuckles] go ahead

Eva: idk what happened between yall and ik it's none of my business! However from a business standpoint, it's gonna look weird if they're not there. The press and the public are gonna start asking questions and making absurd conclusions. Needless to say- it'll affect the viewership on both shows because people don't only love Zac and Fatima as a tv couple but they also love Crystal and Devale as friends!

Crystal: [sighs] I guess you're right but after what just went down I don't see how we can ever sit in one room together and be cordial

Eva: well sis, you need to figure that shit out EXPEDITIOUSLY!!! y'all can't afford to be beefing when the success of both shows rides on yall spectacular chemistry!

Crystal: [chuckles] yeah you're right, D and I definitely gotta have a talk with Tyler and figure out a way forward

Eva: [smiles] yes!! If there's one person I trust to help you get your shit together it's Tyler!

Crystal: [scoffs] why does everyone keep telling me to "get my shit together". My life's not as dramatic as yall make it seem

Eva: [chuckles] hold on who's everyone?

Crystal: [sighs] Josh

Eva: speaking of him... where is he? I thought he'd be around here somewhere tiptoeing in his pyjamas lol

Crystal: he came by this morning and we had a big fight! I think I might've ruined it for good this time

Eva: aww I was really rooting for yall- I was definitely team Josh

Crystal: [sighs] me too sis

Eva: well maybe you should call him and tell him how you feel? I know I haven't known you for long but I've observed that you like running when shit gets tough

Crystal: okay ntm, I'm still your boss remember!

Eva: okay okay fine, I'll let it go. But what about the surprise he had planned for you?

Crystal: [eyes wide] what surprise?

Eva: shit I talk too damn much!! Uhm forget I said anything, it doesn't matter anymore since he's not coming

Crystal: [sighs] yeaa I guess [starts crying] fuck why does my life have to be such a mess?! The Crystal Ball is literally days away and everything's just falling apart, maybe I should just cancel the whole thing!

Eva: [hugs her] girl calm down, it's all gon work out! You're not canceling shit because you'll look back and regret it. Sis you only turn 40 once!! I'm gonna go call Tori and we're gonna make sure you have the perfect party! Fuck all that drama!

Crystal: thank you Eva [smiles]

Eva: I hate to do this now that you're in better spirits but the photographer pulled out- so I was thinking... how about you ask Josh to do it? I mean it's just business!

Crystal: no!!! I don't mix business with pleasure! Find another photographer, this is ATL it can't be that hard to find one!

Eva: [sighs] true but they won't be as great as Josh

Crystal: [stern] Eva stop!!! I said no dammit!! *goes upstairs*

Eva leaves to go meet with Tori so they can finalize the party details. Crystal went upstairs to her room and started bawling as she saw some of Josh's clothes laying around. She picked up his hoodie and smelt it, the scent of the cologne sent her down memory lane... She went in her bathroom and saw his toothbrush and shaving cream.

Crystal: [talking to herself] maybe Eva's right, maybe I should just call him and tell him how I feel

Crystal goes back in the room and grabs her phone to see 10 missed calls from Devale. She ignores it and goes to dial Josh's number until Devale calls again.

Crystal: [pissed] what the fuck do you want???!

Devale: [sad voice] I just need someone to talk to, Crystal I need my best friend

Crystal: [sympathetic] D you heard what your mom said, you and your family have put me through enough!

Devale: [crying] Crystal please, 5 min is all I ask. Please come meet me at Starbucks, I can't come over because Kay is probably tracking my phone

Crystal: I'm sorry Devale but I can't, I gotta put me first! *hangs up*

Crystal felt empowered after hanging up on Devale so she decided to grab a bag and pack all of Josh's belongings. She took the bag downstairs then texted Josh to come fetch his stuff.

Josh: [texts] okay I'm still in the neighborhood, I'll be there in like 15min

Crystal pours herself a glass of wine, sits on her couch with her iPad and starts searching for photographers. After a few minutes, someone knocks on the door.

Crystal: who is it?

Voice: it's me

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