Chapter 51

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|Glendale Hospital|

Dr Avery: [chuckles] I'm sorry what? What do you mean you're pregnant?

Crystal: [sighs] -nods-

Dr Avery: okay Crystal hahaha you almost got me but April Fool's was last week! [sucks her teeth] I really thought this was an actual emergency appointment

Crystal: Dr Avery, I'm not messing with you! I'm as serious as a heart attack!

Dr Avery: [gets serious] whaaat!? You were literally just here for a new NuvaRing a couples weeks ago and you also took some contraceptions... how in the hell did this happen?

Crystal: [shrugs] shit I don't know, you're the doctor! You should be explaining to me

Dr Avery: [takes a deep breathe] okay okay, let's calm down and retrace your steps... maybe we're stressing about nothing and it's just a phantom pregnancy

Crystal: [exhales] okay

Dr Avery: what makes you think you're pregnant?

Crystal: okay well I've gained some weight, mostly around my hips. I've also been experiencing nausea and I guess I'm moodier than usual

Dr Avery: okay and when was your last period?

Crystal: 2 days ago but the flow was very light and surprisingly it only lasted 2 days as opposed to my usual cycle of 5 days.

Dr Avery: when was the last time you were sexually active and did you use protection?

Crystal: I'm not sure about the exact date but I think like 3-4 weeks ago and no we didn't use any protection but I did take a plan B immediately after

Dr Avery: [throws her hands up in defeat] well that fuckin explains everything!!! Crystal why in the hell would you simultaneously use 3 birth control methods?!

Crystal: [shrugs] I wanted to be extra sure that I don't get pregnant!

Dr Avery: well the only thing you made "extra sure" of was making the birth controls cancel each other out! [Sighs] I'd usually recommend a blood test pregnancy but that's gonna take too long and I'm almost 100% certain that you are indeed pregnant, so here's what we're gonna do...

**Dr Avery stands up and walks to the cupboard then she grabs a pair of latex gloves along with an unopened pregnancy test**

Dr Avery: I don't have to explain to you how this works right?

Crystal: [chuckles] really?

Dr Avery: [shrugs] I mean you're not short of surprises today so I'm just making sure [chuckles]

Knock knock knock

Dr Avery: [yells] come in

**Jazzy and Kayla walk in**

Jazzy: sorry we're late, Kayla forced me to wait for her meeting to end so we could drive together

Kayla: so... what'd we miss?

Crystal: [sighs] we were just about to find out if I'm pregnant or not [awkward smile]

**Kayla and Jazzy's eye widen as they stare at each other in shock. Crystal takes the test from the table and goes to the bathroom**

Dr Avery: you ladies can sit down, she'll be right back

Jazzy: how in the hell did this bitch end up pregnant!!?

Dr Avery: I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that she had sex

Kayla: [laughs] I love you doc, sarcasm is my favorite thing!

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