Chapter 10

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Crystal: [opens the door]

KJ walks in fuming as she immediately senses the mood

KJ: [pissed] you have got to be fuckin kidding me!!

Devale: [tries to play it off] hey KJ, uhm Crystal and I were just going through some lin-

KJ: cut the bullshit Devale

Devale: excuse me, wtf are you talking about?

Crystal: [sighs] she knows D, I told her about us

Devale: [scoffs] why tf would you do that?!

Crystal: you were putting me through shit and I needed a friend to talk to, she was that for me

KJ: not just a friend, someone who also talks some sense into her! [Looks at Devale] get tf out of here before I call security!

Devale: [chuckles] yo this ain't your room! You're the one intruding, Crystal and I were in the middle of something you know!

KJ: [looks at Crystal] friend I know it's hard but I need you to trust me okay. Tell his ass to leave!

Crystal: get out Devale!!

Devale: that's what we're doing? Okay fine! But this conversation is NOT over!! *he leaves*

KJ: [grabs a chair] sit yo ass down!

Crystal: [sits and looks down] you don't have to say it I already feel stupid

KJ: fren what the hell is wrong with you?! I thought you liked Josh?

Crystal: I do like him

KJ: [scoffs] oh and you show that by cheating on him?

Crystal: okay pump your brakes because technically it's not cheating! Him and I never really put a label on things

KJ: that's not the fuckin point Crystal!!! If you keep going back to Devale, he'll just keep hurting you! Babygirl that is a MARRIED man!! They never leave their wives and kids!

Crystal: [teary-eyed] I know, it's just... idk how to explain it but it's like he has some typa hold over me. When he holds me in his arms I'm willing to overlook all the fucked up shit he's put me through- fuckkk what's wrong with me?! I have the perfect man who adores me and here I am jeopardizing it all for Devale!

KJ: nothing's wrong with you friend, I just think that maybe you need some time to yourself. Discover who Crystal is. Fren maybe you jumped into this whole Josh thing too soon

Crystal: it's not too soon, I love him I really do it's just different with Devale you know.

KJ: girl are you even hearing yourself right now?! You're unnecessarily complicating your life and for what?!

Crystal: [sighs] okay okay, you're right!

KJ: so what are you gon do?

Crystal: as hard as it is, I'm gonna stay away from Devale! Thank God this season Tyler got Zatima going through some BS so no sex scenes and we'll barely have any kiss scenes. Imma avoid him until we finish filming and then go back home to Josh and come clean about everything

KJ: you had me in the first half but lost me towards the end. Girl, NEVER EVER confess to a man about cheating! Their egos aren't strong enough to handle it! And I'll be damned if I let you lose out on that fine ass nigga all because Devale can't keep his hands off you!

Crystal: so what are you saying?

KJ: I'm saying, this kiss and whatever else happened before I knocked has to stay burried forever!!!

Crystal: girl I don't want a relationship built on lies

KJ: technically, it's not a relationship yet because yall ain't even official. Just trust me on this girl

Crystal: [sighs] okay fine, you're my only married friend so I'll take your advice

KJ: perfect!! And for the love of God please stay away from that lady's husband

Crystal: [chuckles] girl tell Devale to stay away from me! He's the one who came to MY room

KJ: [laughs] whatever! Yall both need not be alone in a room unsupervised!

Crystal: [laughs] girl please we're not some horny teenagers at camp

KJ: coulda fooled me coz that's exactly how yall acting!

Crystal: [scoffs] KJ get out of my room please, I got an early call time tomorrow

KJ: yet yo ass wasn't thinking bout that when you were about to buss it open for Devale [laughs] good night boo, get some sleep!

Crystal: [laughs] I can't stand your ass! Good night fren, love ya and thanks for setting my ass straight!

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