Chapter 58

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Crystal just drove around the city for some hours while listening to gospel music- it always helped her relax and gave her a sense of reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

While on her drive she tried calling Devale multiple times but kept getting his voice-mail. She convinced herself that he had maybe fallen asleep at his apartment so she drove to the building because in her current vulnerable state he was all she needed...

|Devale's apartment|

Crystal knocked for a while but no one answered and then she remembered that Devale gave her a key so she used it to unlock the door and went it... it was dark when she entered and there was still no sign of Devale. She looked for him around the whole house and still couldn't find him. In fact the place looked like it hadn't been occupied in a while- which wasn't strange at all because Devale has spent the last couple of months at Crystal's place. Just as she was about to leave she got a phonecall from her sister...


Crystal: hello?

Morgan: hey sissy, I spoke to daddy- he told me what happened. How are you feeling?

Crystal: (sighs) I'm okay I guess, it is what it is really

Morgan: Crystal you don't have to pretend to be strong for me, I'm your big sister and I wanna be there for you

Crystal: I know Morgan and I appreciate that but I really don't want to talk about this right now! Yeah my mother hates me, so what?! I'm not the 1st person to be hated by the woman who gave me life and I certainly won't be the last

Morgan: (sad) Crystal mommy doesn't hate you she's just dealing with some past traumas and resentment issues. I've been telling her to go to therapy for years but you know how black people get when they hear that T-word

Crystal: yeah well I'm done with her! It's no use forcing shit, I'm just gonna focus on my baby and the people who really care about me

Morgan: I hear you and you have every right to feel the way you do but please don't shut her out. I'll do my part in getting her some professional help and maybe you can just keep an open mind? I know it won't be easy but you don't wanna look back and regret not introducing your child to his/her grandmother.

Crystal: (sighs) I don't know Morgan, she said some really hurtful shit- things that you can't come back from. I just don't think we'll ever be able to have a normal and loving mother-daughter relationship

Morgan: just promise you'll try to meet her halfway. I know you might think you got it all figured out but this is your first child and you're gonna need all the help and guidance you can get! Now of course I'll be there to assist where I can but mommy has more experience because she raised more kids and she's been doing this mothering thing longer than I have

Crystal: all I can promise right now is to think about it, look thanks for the call but I really have to go

Morgan: (worried) why, is there something wrong with you or the baby?

Crystal: no I'm fine, we're both fine. I just can't find Devale, I've been calling him and nothing!

Morgan: damn, well did you try tracking his phone?

Crystal: shit you're right! See pregnancy brain got me fucked up. I'm gonna track his location soon as I hang up, thanks sissy

Morgan: you're very welcome and I love you Crystal, never forget that!

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