Chapter 57

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|Crystal's place|

Jeff: (sighs) -sits down- what did you say to that girl?

Gladys: (scoffs) nothing that wasn't true! By the way, I booked us a hotel and got us flight tickets for tomorrow

Jeff: a hotel for what when our daughter has a 4 bedroom house?

Gladys: I'm not staying here but you can stay if you want to!

Jeff: (sighs) Gladys you really need to stop punishing her for my mistakes!

Gladys: (smiles) I don't know what you're talking about honey

Jeff: stop it! Just stop pretending, you know damn well what I'm talking about- or should I say who

Gladys: (stands up) I don't want to talk about him

Jeff: where are you going?

Gladys: to the guest room, I'm feeling a little jet lagged

Jeff: I thought you said you didn't wanna stay here

Gladys: I changed my mind

Jeff: whatever. Go get some sleep but when you wake up, you me and Crissy are gonna have a family meeting

|Former Ellis residence|

Devale walks into the place that he and Khadeen used to call home, it's exactly as they left it...

As he walks towards the living room he hears voices and soon after Kaz and Kairo come running towards him yelling "daddy"... Kota is also following behind them but at a much slower pace.

Devale: (hugs them) hi boys, I missed yall (picks up Kota)

Kaz: (smiles) we missed you too daddy!

Devale: hi Khadeen

Khadeen: hi Devale

Devale: I'm sorry I couldn't come pick yall up from the airport, I got a little held up

Khadeen: (shrugs) it's cool

Jax completely disregards Devale's presence, he's just sitting on the couch and scrolling on his phone.

Khadeen: Jax aren't you gonna say hello to your father?

Jax: (sucks his teeth) where he at? Because the only man I see here is the sperm donor, let me know when my father arrives (goes upstairs)

Khadeen: Jackson!!! Come back down here this instant!

Jax: -slams the door upstairs-

Khadeen: (sighs) I'm sorry, he's been very moody lately

Devale: no don't apologize it's not your fault. Our divorce hit him the hardest because he's old enough to fully understand what's going on

Khadeen: yeah... let me go talk to him

Devale: no it's fine I'll go, but let's just give him a moment to calm down

Kairo: daddy are we moving back into this house?

Devale: (smiles) this will always be our family house

Kairo: yayy!!! Can me and Kaz go play in the game room?

Devale: of course you can

-The two boys run off...

Devale: (kisses Kota's cheek) hey my big boy!! He has grown so much Kay (smiles)

Khadeen: yeah that's what happens when you go months without seeing your kids... they grow!

Devale: (scoffs) Kay that's not fair! You know I've been working so I can afford to pay child support and your alimony

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