Chapter 17

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》The next day 》


Crystal is out with Jazzy and Kayla for a light brunch. They're also discussing wedding details etc

Crystal: so have you decided on a date yet?

Kayla: not yet, we don't wanna rush it. In fact, I was thinking we stay engaged for a like a year or 6 months before we start planning the wedding. But we're moving in together!

Crystal: ohh I actually like that, it gives you the feel of the married life before the real thing

Kayla: [smiles] yes exactly!! Anyway how are things with you and Josh going?

Crystal: [smiles] perfect!! No complaints, he's soo good to me yall- last night was a dream

Jazzy: [side eye] okay but why you smiling so hard?!

Crystal: [nervous laugh] idk what you're talking about, I'm just happy that's all

Jazzy: [rolls eyes] bitch you must think I was born yesterday

Kayla: [chuckles] Jazzy what exactly are you insinuating?

Jazzy: [looks at Crys] you guys fucked last night didn't you?

Crystal: [silent, looks down]

Jazzy: [laughs] I fuckin knew it!!! Somebody better pay me my 500$

Kayla: [disappointed] woww!! So you couldn't even last a week atleast?

Crystal: I'm sorry okay, but that nigga pulled out all the stops last night!! It was only right that I thank him the right way. The way he made love to me last night was special, in that moment I said fuck yall stupid ass bet [laughs]

Kayla: whatever!! Pay the girl her money

Jazzy: [singing] bitch better have my money

Crystal: [laughs] I'll send it to you. And just so yall know, next week is officially November 1st- the official start of "no-nut-November" I bet you I won't lose in that!

Kayla: wait don't yall leave for Italy on that day?

Crystal: yeah we do and what about it?

Jazzy: mmmh nothing, I just wonder what yall finna do if yall can't have sex

Crystal: we're gonna connect on a deeper level, there's a lot of things that couples can do with out engaging in sex

Jazzy: yeah okay, we gon see!

Kayla: omg yall look who just walked in

-Jazzy and Crystal turn their heads to the door and see Devale-

Jazzy: IKYFL

Crystal: just be cool, he's obviously not here to see us

Kayla: I beg to differ because he's coming over

Devale: [walks up to them] Hi ladies

All: hey

Devale: dope party last night Crys

Crystal: thanks

Devale: my favorite part was when Burna Boy came on, your nigga really went all out huh?

Crystal: [smiles] yes he did

Devale: for what it's worth I'm happy for you Crystal, happy you got another chance at love [mumbles] even if it'll never compare to what we had

Crystal: [annoyed] thanks I guess, so what brings you by? You stalking me or something?

Devale: [chuckles] nope, I gave up on doing that when I seen something that completely shattered my heart and damn near blinded my eyes

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